Away at College (Reverse Batboys)

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-This is a Reverse Batfam shot. Based of f of how lonely I feel without my Brother at home.-


Damian - 25

Tim - 21

Jason - 17

Dick - 13

Dick was bored. He was sitting on his bed, snacking on Doritos (Don't tell Alfred), and whining about how bored he was. It was summer, Bruce was at work, he could only meet up with Wally once a week, at most.

He rolled out of bed, licking his Dorito fingers, and crawled to the bathroom. It was one of those days; someone took his words out of context online to stir up drama, it was super hot inside the manor, and he felt very lonely. After washing up, he head back into the hallway. He tramped down the hall to the bedroom closest to his own.

"Ring, ring! On my way to steal your biotch." He kicked the door open. the room was clean and organized.

right. Jason was at college.

Dick groaned, throwing himself on Jason's perpetually made bed. Jason was at college, Tim was at college, Damian moved out. Bruce was always busy, Alfred was always busy, he couldn't leave the manor when home alone.

He Was So Lonely.

it felt like forever since he'd seen his brothers! He didn't really miss them. He never called them. He occasionally had two-or-three sentence conversations over Instagram, but not much. It was kinda cool that he didn't have Jason stealing his chips, or Damian walking into his room without knocking, or Tim pestering him for details about what he did with his friends, or Jason stirring up drama with Bruce for kicks, or Damian scaring the waiter when they went out to eat, or Tim getting him a cup of milk, regardless of if he said yes or not... OKAY, FINE, he REALLY missed them!

He missed going on patrol with all of them on slow nights, and ordering pizza to whatever abandoned carpark they were chilling on. He missed the fighting over the last piece with them. He missed snitching on Jason for sneaking out, and being grabbed in a headlock. Why did he miss that of all things.

He sighed, eyes closed. IT. WASN'T. FAIR! He couldn't even contact them without weirding them out. Besides, they were too busy Partying, or studying for next semester, or doing *Whatever the fuck* Damian does all day.


Bruce was aware of his youngest boy's loneliness. Whenever he asked the boy how his day was, he'd always reply with: 'okay.' . As far as either Bruce or Alfred was aware, Dick spent all day in bed, eating and feeling sorry for himself.

Jason already had plenty of time to drink and smoke illegally, Tim was already best in his courses, and what did Damian even do?

A few phone calls and emails later, it was all set up, and Dick didn't even know.

"Dickie, how about staying home from patrol tonight?"

"Kay." He seemed disappointed all the time, whether he went on patrol or not.

"Make sure to get some rest." Bruce said. "How about we do something together?"

Dick shrugged, not really on board. Spending time with Bruce was the only family time he got for ages. "I guess..."

"Do you want to pick a movie?" Bruce was trying to give Dick a little attention before it was torn away from him. Besides, he wanted to tire the boy out, get him to bed before things got too exciting downstairs.

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