Chatting in a Playground (Cause That's Where Teenagers Hang Out)

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-So I've been watching the criminally underrated show "The Batman" (2004), and didn't know what to write. So here's some banter between Dick and Babs-


Dick - 13

Barbra - 18

"This sucks." Dick groaned, holding a handstand atop the playground structure.

"Yep."  Barbra commented sitting on the swing set.

"Can't we just go ahead to the restaurant?" The thirteen year old complained.

"Good luck, the reservations in his name." The redhead scoffed. "Hello sir. I know I may look thirteen, but believe me, I'm billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne."

Dick still wasn't having the whole ordeal. "He said he'd take us out to eat cause we've been doing such a good job, and then on the night, he bails!"

"Well, he said he'd come out and get us at six." Barbra glanced down the street at the Wayne Labs building. "And it's currently..."


"My phone's out of power." She sighed. "We'll just have to wait out here for him to come collect us."

"What if he forgets?" Dick asked.

"He probably has."

They moped around the park for another ten-ish minutes. But the teens were starting to get impatient, especially the younger. "Ugh! How long is this going to take."

"I don't know. Maybe time will pass quicker if you keep complaining."

Dick frowned at her and flipped off the top of the slide. "We should go get him."

"Oh? Where's your level ten access pass?"

"...Must have left it in my other jeans." 

Barbra rolled her eyes all the way to mars. "ten more minutes, and then we go wait outside the building."

Dick groaned and swung himself up the fireman's pole, perching at the top disheartened. "We risk our lives for Batman every night! AND our grades! and the one time we get offered a little compensation, he forgets about us?"

"To be fair, we killed it last night." Barbra began trying to see how high she could swing. "We saved BATMAN, no wonder he wants to forget about it."

"Yeah, we save him all the time with no thanks and no pay. For a rich guy, he's awfully tight with allowance!" Dick collapsed on top of the slide again.

"Well, a nice dinner sounded like good payment for last night, but he's not even gonna show!"

"If he's any later, he better let us get dessert too." Dick kicked his legs out in front of him.

"He better, that was the whole deal; no spending limit." Barbra stopped swinging, and the two sat in silence for a minute or so. "You know what the worst part of the job is? I have to bus over to your place and ask permission to use the batgirl-cycle."

"Oh yeah. it's getting hard to explain why the commissioner's daughter is always hanging out with us." Dick commented.

Barbra shook her head. "No, people just assume I'm your babysitter."

"pfft. What?" Dick tried to brush it off, but she looked dead serious. "-Wait are people actually saying that?" He asked cautiously.

"Yeah, people in my grade think that." Dick made a noise like a disgruntled sea lion and let his head tip back. "Oh don't be such a drama queen!"

"Come on! You're not the one who's reputation is being discredited here!"

"Oh, no? Do you know how many social events and parties I've had to turn down to go on stakeouts?"

"Uh, zero?"

Barbra hopped off her swing, showing off her height superiority. "Despite what you think, bird boy, I get invited to lots of parties."

"Oh yeah, how many of them begin with 'lan'?"

"Don't project your nerdiness onto me!" She shoved his should a little, heading back towards the playground.

"Hey!" Dick followed after her. "I'm not a nerd!"

"Tell that to your twelve pinned tabs of videogame cheat codes!" Dick lay a light punch into her shoulder. "Ow! Hey!" She shoved him back by his forehead.

"Hey!" He ducked to the ground and swept his leg under her ankles. She toppled practically on top of him, and the two began half-wrestling, half-playfighting in the woodchips around the playground. Both were determined to get the other back.

"CUT IT OUT PIXIE!" She grabbed his shoulders.

He tried to shove her off. "You first!" 

She pulled him into a headlock. "Oh, you're so mature-" 

"Are you two ready to go?"

They kicked off the ground, dusting themselves off and acting like they hadn't just been at each other's throats. "Yep." Dick confirmed. "What took you so long?"

"Minor security breach in the lab." Bruce didn't elaborate.

"Should we... Follow through on that?" Barbra asked.

He shook his head. "I sorted it out. besides, I'm supposed to be taking you out to dinner to congratulate you on your work last night."

Both teenager's demeanor changed, they were pretty excited to talk about their exploits the night before. "Well, we did kind of save the city on our own." Dick bragged.

"Tell me about it over dinner."

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