I'm Actually a Boy (Part Two)

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-This Part is on the same AU as the last, except with the team. Oh, and this part was also requested by TheSamonShiper-

The team was having a great day. They wanted to go swimming, but it was raining buckets outside, so they were hanging at the inside pool in the mountain. Except one teammate hadn't gotten into the water yet. 

Robin was sitting peacefully on the edge, splashing his feet in the water. He showed no inclination.

"I thought you said you could swim?" Zatanna kicked up and leaned on the edge next to him. 

"If you can't swim, that would explain how you let yourself drown when the cave was invaded."

"The cave was invaded?" Raquel and Zatanna asked. 

"Before your time." Conner explained. "That was only like, two months into the team."

"Still, the league needs to get their shit together!" Raquel exclaimed. 

"C'mon! Get in here! It's really nice!" The witch girl invited. "You can keep to the shallow end!"

"No, no, no! I CAN swim." He assured. "I just... Don't want to loose my glasses."

"Aww! C'mon!" She grabbed his leg and gave it a playful tug. She hadn't expected that his lightweight ass was to close to the edge. The boy collapsed forwards on top of her, sinking both of them.

Wally and Kaldur sprung forwards to help, pulling the two up while Conner with his lungs of iron and eyeballs that can withstand chlorinated water retrieved Robin's glasses.

Robin must have inhaled some water, because he was coughing like mad. "Dude, are you good?" Wally utilized his lifeguard training for the first time ever, and pulled Dick back to the poolside.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to actually pull you in." Zatanna exclaimed as they helped him up onto the compressed concrete floor.

Dick was still struggling to breath. As soon as he wasn't kneeling and coughing up water, he grabbed his glasses from Conner and struggled to run from the room.

"I guess he couldn't swim?" Raquel commented.

"Something is wrong." Kaldur hurried up and he and Wally chased after the youngest to ensure he was okay, the others on their heels.

Dick reached the shower rooms and glanced back and forth. WHICH CHANGE ROOM DID HE USE? He just ran into the Men's and faced a wall, tearing off his clinging wet t-shirt.

They arrived in the doorway just in time to see Robin pulling off his shirt. He seemed to be wearing some sort of sports bra.

"DON'T LOOK! He ordered, trying to pull it up and getting stuck. "Wally, Help!" He cried. The speedster immediately sprung forwards, helping him off with it. in the process his glasses fell off again. Robin hurriedly pulled his shirt on, slammed his glasses on, and turned to face the others with his arms crossed HARD over his chest.

"What the absolute fuck?" Artemis asked.

"I- uh..." Dick didn't know what to say. "So..."

"What just... happened there, Man?" Zatanna asked.

Dick bit his lip, looking around at the team. How was he supposed to explain this? "I'm Transgender." He stated flatly.

"Oh." Zatanna said.

"really?" Artemis asked.

"Hmm." Raquel agreed. "I never thought about that, but okay."

"When did you start your transition?"

"That's his business!"

"Right. You're pronouns are he/him, right?"

Kaldur, M'gann and Conner looked confused. Trans must not be much of a subject on mars or in Atlantis, and presumable the only kind of gender Cadmus told the clone about was biological sex.

"I'm not sure I understand." Kaldur began. "Can you explain what thatword, Transgender means?"

Dick swallowed hard, arms still firmly crossed. "Well... You know how M'gann doesn't like presenting as a white martian when she's on earth because she doesn't think it represents her?"

"Yes." M'gann asked, uncomfortable with the subject.

"Well, for me it's the same, except I can't shapeshift. It's called dysphoria. I was born in a girl's body, but I'm a boy."

"Oh yeah, that's what I have. Uncle J'onn used the word dysphoria!" M'gann agreed. "We're like the same."

Kaldur was nodding to himself. "We Have that in Atlantis too. But we do have our own word for it. However, it is pretty rare."

"Wait, so you're all just cool with this?" Dick asked, he'd expected the transphobia he usually got.

"I don't really get it." Conner admitted. "How are you- biologically into the wrong gender's body?"

"Oh, it's like, my brain is hardwired all weird. Biologically I'm female- well, on hormone blockers- but being female really messes me up, so... I'm being the guy I'd rather be."

"Wait- that's why you weren't swimming!" Artemis realized. 

Robin nodded. "The water made my binder tighten and I couldn't breath."

"Well, I'm glad you told us. Sorry we pressured you to get in the water and stuff. We didn't know." Zatanna admitted.

Dick nodded. "I don't know why I was so scared." He voice cracked with emotion. This was the best coming out experience he'd had! "A lot of people I know get really weird when they find out I'm Trans." He sniffled a little, trying to hold it back.

"It's alright." M'gann assured, her empathic tendencies coming through. 

"Yeah, I still don't fully get it." Conner admitted. "But if you like being a guy, go ahead."

"Now that we know, we'll try to be better." Kaldur rested a hand on Dick's shoulder, relaxing him.

"Should I hang you're binder up to hang?" Wally offered. "You always complain that they take forever to dry. Does anyone have a loose hoodie or something he can wear?"

"I do!" Zatanna offered.

"Let's get something to eat. I don't really feel like swimming anymore." Raquel stated, dodging into the girl's change room to grab her towel.

"Let's order in." M'gann agreed. "Robin, can you tell me more about gender stuff? I'm actually really curious since I also have a history of dysphoria..."

"Wait," Robin said suddenly. "This won't change you guys are still okay if I use he guy's showers and stuff, right?"

"Of course." Kaldur almost sounded hurt.

"We have for the past eighteen months, what does it matter?" Conner shrugged.

Wally grabbed Robin and his towels. "You're a guy, you can use the guy's washrooms."

Dick let out an incredibly heavy sigh of relief. "Thank you."

-Hey do you guys have any good vibes to send my way? I Had a really bad panic attack & sensory overload, and missed the first day of my five week dance intensives-

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