A Lesson in Consent

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-Side note: What are your thoughts on the new Joker henchwoman, Punchline? I'm not really sure yet. I like the debates she raises, but JEEZ, she is scary!-

Dick hurried from his locker and out the door, throwing on his coat. He could see the car were Bruce was picking him up after a meeting.

"Wait! Dick!" He heard a voice call.

He turned around, eyes focussing on a girl in his grade, who was running towards him. "Alice? What's up-"

She grabbed his face and smushed her lips against his. She broke away, giggled, and sprinted off.

Dick stood there, shocked. His mouth was slightly agape. He felt confused and a little scared. He trailed to the car and pulled himself into the backseat, eyes wide. He tugged the door closed.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Bruce teased, pulling the car into reverse and making sure he didn't run over any children.

Dick wiped his lips with the back of his shirt cuff. He said the only thing his brain would let him. "EW."

"Ew?" Bruce asked. "Dick, that's not very nice."

Dick leaned, stunned, against the back seat. He didn't except to be kissed. He didn't want to be kissed. The thought of her germs made him want to gargle bleach.

It's not that he hated Alice, she seemed really nice, and she had good grades, it's just... Dick didn't want to kiss her. She just... grabbed him!

"I didn't want her to kiss me." He said. "I don't like her!"

"Oh, you're being dramatic." Bruce turned onto the main road. "I hear that Alfred is making Lasagne."

Dick nodded a little. He took out his water bottle and poured a little water into his cupped palm. He hastily tried to clean his mouth and lips.

Bruce saw this in the rear view mirror and snorted, rolling his eyes. Dick was just being dramatic. He couldn't imagine a ten year old boy would be upset about having a girl kiss them.


Dick went upstairs as soon as they arrived. He threw down his bag, grabbed a pair of clothes, locked the bathroom door, and stared at himself in the mirror.

Why did Alice kiss him? He didn't like her. The only time he remembered talking to her was when he asked to borrow her eraser. He didn't think He'd been flirting with her. Was he? Did he make her think he wanted to be kissed?

He should feel guilty if he was leading her on. He didn't mean to- or did he? Maybe he was leading her on without realizing it...

He brushed his teeth and sanitized his tooth brush. He undressed and hopped in the shower.

He needed to tell her that he didn't like her like that. He was okay with talking to her like a classmate, but he didn't want to flirt with her? He didn't even know her last name!

Maybe Bruce could handle having woman throw themselves at him, but Dick was NOT okay with having some random make him kiss her.

Even after showering, he still felt kinda gross. He put on his comfort shorts and hoodie, and hurried to his room. He set up his desk and started working, but his meds were wearing off. He decided to just go downstairs.

He could smell lasagne, but he didn't feel hungry. Usually, it was his favorite meal, but tonight, he didn't even want to eat.

"Hey Bruce." He muttered.

"Dick? What's wrong?"

Dick cleared his throat and straightened up. "What?"

Bruce walked over to him and began checking his face over, as though thinking he was sick. "You aren't looking so good."

"M'kay." Dick refused to make eye contact.

"how about you go to bed early tonight?"

"No, I'm okay." He stared at the carpet. "I'll go out tonight."

Bruce sighed and guided him to a chair in the foyer. "Okay, seriously, What's wrong?"

Dick tried to bite down his worry. Bruce has a way of looking at you that makes you want to tell him your whole life story.

Dick thought back the word vomit, trying to act natural. His concern was biting at his insides.

He couldn't stop himself.

"I didn't want to kiss her!" He shouted. "She made me do it and I didn't want to, and I was so uncomfortable! And I don't even know her!" He shouted.


"I know that girls can't force boys to kiss them- but she did!" He felt the tears finally coming up. Shamefully, he fought them back.

"Dick." Bruce held him up. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me it made you upset?"

"Because no one listens when girls hurt boys!" He exclaimed, sniffling.

"Dickie, I'll listen to you."

Dick nodded, but he knew it wasn't true. If it was, Bruce would've listened earlier. "Okay."

"Do you feel hungry? Let's have our dinner."

Dick nodded silently. He wasn't hungry.


Dick tried to take deep breaths. He could take on Penguin and Mr. Freeze, but this was going to be one of his scariest encounters.

He approached the gaggle of girls.


She turned around and blushed, giggling. The other girls giggled at him and turned away to gossip.

"Yeah?" Alice smiled widely.

"You kissed me yesterday."

"Yeah!" She looked excited.

"DON'T." He couldn't stop himself. "I didn't want to! If you ever want to kiss me, ask! But I don't wanna kiss you. I'm sorry, I just don't really like you like that...."

instantly, her smile dropped and tears filled her eyes. she shouted at him: "You can't say no to me! I'm the girl!" She took off into the girl's washroom.

The other girls followed her, exclaiming about how mean he was.

Dick turned and headed back to the canteen to finish his lunch. He was glad that was over. He chugged about half his water bottle from shock.

He foolishly thought it was over.

But hell hath no fury like a ten year old girl who feels rejected.

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