Fired Epilogue-Epilogue (The second Epilogue)

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-Requested by crun_chie-

-Alternate title: 'Two Billionaires Yell at Each Other about Child Support While a Passive Agressive Butler Watches Shit Go Down in Silence'-

"Wayne! What the FUCK do you think you're doing?"

Bruce didn't know how the fuck Oliver Queen got in his house, Alfred probably. But this was NOT the kind of night where he could deal with Ollie Queen's bullshit. "What do you think your doing coming into Gotham at three am?"

"Dick is fourteen!" Oliver shouted, showing right off the bat that he wasn't here to talk something out. 

"Roy Harper was eighteen."

"Roy was legally an adult, I couldn't stop him if he wanted to leave! But Dick's still a kid, and you let him leave! That's on no one but you!"

"Did he tell you that? Then he must have found a place to stay."

"I'm not telling you where he is! It's clear that you both need time to cool off, but in the meantime... What the fuck happened that made you try to fire him? He's been Robin for longer that a third of the league has been heroes!"

"Say what you came to say and leave." Bruce warned, he was about three seconds form murdering the other man. If Ollie Queen could be classed as such.

"No! Dick ran away and you need to fucking address why. I don't give a shit how distant your relationship is right now, didn't you foster Dick so you could protect him?  Well right now he's in deeper shit than anytime in the past six years!"

"Don't tell me how to parent my son!" Bruce barked.

"At least Clark notices when Conner leaves the room!"

Bruce was so thoroughly fucking done with this, he tries to reason with Dick, who runs away from home, and now one of his least favorite people was here to yell at him at nearly five am like he didn't have bigger fish to fry. And now comparing him to Clark? This is too fucking much for one night.

"Get out!"


"Dick will come back when he's ready to think reasonably! HE'll see that I'm rght!"

"Or He won't come home. Ever. Because you do't respect him."

"Don't talk to me about respect."

"So Dick will just sleep... Wherever I guess, since you don't give enough shits to find him!"

"I'm trying to fin him!"

"Well you're doing a shit job, since he isn't even hiding!" Oliver shouted. To be fair, Dick was staying in the most obvious place he could be, the mountain should have been the first place that Bruce checked. The man was clearly not himself. 

"I told you to get out!"

"And I told you to take care of your son! You don't want to be the reason he leaves home! Trust me!"

"Worry about your own children first!"

"Roy is an adult, and Artemis isn't even mine. I do know where she is, though. She is leaving her own home and ditching patrol to take care of your traumatized son!"

"No one is making her do that."

"Basic fucking decency is! Empathy is! When she sees a fourteen year old child be put in a situation where they have to run away, even she cares!"

"Get out of my house. Now!"

"Fine! But if you don't get your shit together, I'm calling CPS. Dick can stay with me in Star until you realize you're his parent!"

Bruce watched Olvier storm out, Alfred closing the door after him. Bruce sank into his chair.

Okay. That stung. Most of that did. Bruce didn't kick Dick out of the house! Dick ran away because he didn't like what he was hearing! He'd have to understand at some point why Bruce didn't want him being Robin anymore. Bruce had been logical, and now Dick had run away with nothing but the literal shirt on his back, and every biped this side of the milky-fucking-way was dropping by to remind him what a piece of shit he was.

Dick would come back, right? He was stubborn, but he was still a child. Bruce wanted to think that it'd just play out the same way as when Dick was nine, making angry threats and no backbone to carry them through.

But something told him that it wasn't quite the same. Alfred hadn't spoken to him since Dick left. Fuck him and his silence of solidarity. Couldn't he see that Bruce was severely struggling to parent this kid?

Fuck it. Bruce was going on patrol. Batman didn't care about Bruce Wayne's struggles. Maybe he'd catch Dick sneaking back into Gotham.

Sadly, he found nothing good. Only some asshole kid trying to steal the batmobiles tires.

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