Bully (Same-Age Batbros AU)

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-thanks to @storm-of-imagination for the awesome request! Leave your requests in the comments or message me-

-warning! This part does contain a certain slur (G*psy), being used by a character. This is a slur, and I want to clarify that before starting parts like these-

The youngest brother squealed as a hand reached in and cranked the shower handle to the side, bathing him in ice cold water. 

"Out!" Jason ordered, throwing open the glass shower curtain. He grabbed his little brother, and yanked him out, taking his place in the shower.

"I'm gonna use your breakout gel!" Dick shouted indignantly.

"Of you touch it, you're Dead!"

"I didn't get a chance to rinse my hair!"

"Use the sink!" Jason yelled threw the cloud of steam in the shower.

Dick opened the door to let in Tim as he washed out his hair in the sink. They began brushing their teeth together. "Jay stole your shower?" Tim asked, eyeing the steam-filled shower.

"Yep, he woke me up too!" Dick frowned. "And he eat all of my mini wheats last night!"

The three finished up and hurried downstairs to grab their breakfast and lunch bags. Jason took Tim's yogurt, and kicked both Dick and Damian's legs under the table. 

Jason was pretty well known for not being the most supportive sibling, this was pretty evident in how he constantly teased and spread rumours about his brothers. Dick was still trying to convince his grade that he didn't actually wet the bed. Do you know how hard it is to convince people that a rumour isn't true?

In short, it's very hard.


"You're a little stupid idiot!" Jason grinned, eyeing the big, red, 12/34 on Dick's returned homework.  "Does Dickie need help with his homework?"

"Shut up, Jay!" He spat back.

"Boys!" The teacher looked up from handing back assignments. The two went silent again, Jason giving Dick mocking looks over his shoulder. 

The bell rang and Jason got up, his bag already mostly packed. "Should I tell dad that you need to go back to fifth grade?"

"I'll tell him You were the one who carved Marc Boyland's name under the teacher's desk."

"Shh!" Jason hissed. "Screw you!" He left the class and hurried off to his locker.

Dick finished packing up his things and skipped out, heading for science. He paused for a minute at the water fountain outside the boy's bathroom.

"Hey Gyp!"

"Hmm?" He looked up, the voice came from right behind him. "Sorry?"

"I said Gypsy!" It was Alex Maiter, Dick had Math with him. 

Dick's throat tightened, he shrugged his shoulders uncomfortably "You- uh... you can't say that word, man..."

"Why not? It's free speech! I can say what I want, Gypsy!" 

"Bye." Dick turned away, hurrying down the hall. He was trying not to cry, but he wasn't very good at. Bruce would probably just tell him that Alex didn't know what it meant, and that he didn't mean to be racist. No matter if he meant it or not, it still hurt!

Alex could tell the word got a reaction. "Gyp, Gyp, Gypsy-"

"Stop!" Whipped around, tears finally springing to his eyes. "Leave me alone!" Dick hurried into the bathroom to hide. He leaned against the wall and bit back tears. 


"Hey!" A voice barked from behind them, Jason barrelled into the bathroom. "Don't say that frickin word! It's a really bad word! Romani people were killed a lot during the holo- caust... Dickie?" He spotted his brother, just as the first tear spilt down his brother's cheek. "Was he saying that to you?" His voice filled with rage.

"Chill, It's not that bad! i can say whatever I want, even if he happens to be Romanian..."

"He's Roma, were you even listening? They originate from India, genius! I doubt you even know where India is!"

The boy shied slightly. "Free speech-"

"HATE SPEECH!" Jason corrected, grabbing a fistful of the boys hair and grinding his face into the bathroom stall. Alex was probably one of the kids who drew swastikas on the bathroom tiles because they think it's funny! "You better say sorry to him RIGHT NOW, or you won't make it to the end of the day, B-I-T-C-H!"

Alex reeled from being called a bad word. "I'm telling Ms. Ogden!"

"I'll tell her what you said to Dick, because what you said is a hundred times worse!" He continued to grind the kids stupid arrogant face into the wall. "I'll give you ONE last chance, either you apologize, or you'll be destroyed!"

"I'll never apologize to you GAYS!"

Jason slammed the kid's face into the wall until his nose bled. "It gets worse." He warned. "C'mon, Dickie."

"Why did you do that?" Dick sniffled. "He's gonna tell on us!"

"Doesn't matter if we tell first!" As the bell rang, they entered the office. The office ladies knew them well, and all really liked their older brother Tim. "Hi, can we talk to mrs Cancar?" Jason asked, Mrs. Cancar was the councillor. "Something happened."


"At least you weren't suspended." Bruce sighed, looking across the dinner table at his son. "But please try not to give your classmates nosebleeds." He took a sip of water. "Dick, I'm proud of you for staying calm. and Jason, thank you  for standing up for Dick."

"He was racist!" Jason argued. "I didn't do it because it was Dick! I did it cause I heard him say that word!"

"I agree, but maybe try not to beat up your peers."

"Well, you would've done the same!"

"I don't think I would've beat up a sixth grader, Jason."

"You'd do worse." Jason stated. "Speaking of which, would you like to be participant of my next part of my plan."

"It's not beating up a child is it?"

"Sadly not."

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