First day Of Middle School (Same-Age Batbros AU)

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-Thank you to @storm-of-imagination  for the EPIC request-

-FYI, this is an AU where all that BatBoys are *about* the same age, with a reverse birth order, cause why not-




"Hey!" The tired father called upstairs. "What's going on up there?"

"BRUCE, HE'S TRYING TO-" There was a thud, and the voice was replaced with a groan, then indecipherable shouting. Bruce sighed and headed up the main stairs. Why did he want children? 

Upstairs, Jason had Dick pinned against the floor, shoving his face into the wood. Both boys were shouting. 

"HEY!" Bruce did the Dad-Says- Stop-Fighting Shout. But that didn't work on Jason, who kept at it. Bruce paced over and lifted the boy off of Dick. "leave your brother alone." Jason flipped him off. God, Bruce hoped this was a phase. "What happened?"

"Jason was climbing on the roof!" Dick blabbed.

"You do it too, Snitch!" Jason kicked at his father.

"Jason, stay off the roof, or I'll lock your window again- same thing goes for you, Dickie."

"HEY! I didn't do anything!"

The man sighed. "You two start grade six tomorrow, you need to go to bed soon." He rejected their complaints. "Where are your Brothers?"

"Tim's playing Terraria, and Dami's  doing something in the cave."

Bruce swore under his breath. "Well, Dick, can you go tell Tim to take his medicine and start getting ready for bed? I'll Get Damian." He set Jason down. "I don't want any more roughhousing tonight."

Jason smirked at his brother. "See you at twelve am tomorrow."


Dick started scheming weeks ago. The brothers were known for messing around and pranking each other, but things had come to a head in grade four, when Jason started a rumor that Dick was 'Sexually Obsessed' with Batman's sidekick, Robin. 

Since then, it had been Dick vs. Jason. 

Whoever got the first move on the first day of middle school would be WAY ahead of the game. and Dick was determined to win this one. Luckily, Jason had jaded Tim a few weeks ago, so Dick had him on his side. The final idea, was a work of several days. Jason put pins on his backpack, So all Dick had to do was replace them with lame pins, and Jason wouldn't even notice.

Also, Tim and Damian had been fighting recently, so the first day of school was going to be chaotic.

"Boys! If you want Alfred to drive you to school, you'd better get out here in," Bruce checked his watch. "Four minutes!"

Dick was there in seconds, sliding down the last few steps of the banister. He noticed the look Bruce was giving him and looked down. "Sorry, I forgot; no sliding."

Jason emerged from the kitchen, wolfing down a piece of toast. "Wow, Dickie bird. I can't believe you forgot."

The two boys pestered each other for a few minutes, until the other two arrived. Damian looked the most put together out of the four of them. (This is only because Dick didn't know how to tie his shoes and uniform tie). Tim came stumbling down the stairs, last minute, shoving his shoes on.

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