Halloween Hauntings (Part 2)

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-Requested by WallyandDick .Sorry there's no picture. I'm running late to Broadway Jazz Class-

-Sorry it took so long. I'm snowed under with physics homework-

"Dickie? Wake up!"

He sat up abruptly, rubbing his eyes. His head hurt. The sun was up, curtained behind a thin veil of grey cloud. "What? What?"

"You were asleep?" Damian asked.

"Yeah?" He squinted, glancing at the clock, 8:25 am.

"geez..." He heard Bruce sigh under his breath. "You scared us there, chum."


"Why? you were screaming!" Tim leaned in the doorway behind their father.

"oh." Dick muttered. "must've been a bad dream or something." He explained sheepishly.

"WHAT? What is-" Jason stumbled into the room, wiping his mouth. "Oh, Dickie too?"

"Yeah." Their father sighed, pinching the space between his eyes tiredly. "You boys must had something off yesterday." 


Bruce turned back to Dick. "Sorry. In the past hour, all four of you boys have woken up screaming."

"Sorry." Dick said. What do you say to that? "Did we wake you up?"

"No." His foster father lied, leaning forwards and ruffled his hair. "It's okay, Dick. And I know you're all excited that Damian's in town-"

"No we aren't." Tim cut in.

"-But you boys can't stay up all watching horror movies, besides, Dick is way too young for those ones downstairs"

"We weren't watching scary movies!" Dick said without thinking. All three of his brother's eye's locked onto him viciously. They could work with this lie. "...Okay fine. We did." He lied.

"We weren't up that late..." Tim defended. "but The  Ring must have been scarier than we thought." He chuckled awkwardly.

Bruce rubbed his eyes. These kids were going to be the death of him. "Everyone get dressed, Alfred's going to be clearing the table at nine on the dot." He left his sons, standing around the youngest's bedroom.

"...We didn't watch movies last night." Dick muttered, still waking up.

"No duh!" Jason scoffed, kicking the door shut behind him. 

"So... Why'd we wake up?" Dick asked.

"That's the million dollar question, isn't it?" Tim sat on the end of his baby brother's bed. "Lemme guess, you don't remember having a nightmare?" Dick shook his head.

"We've all woken up screaming with no reason. we must have inhaled something in that house." Damian reasoned.

"No, we had our masks on the whole time." Tim countered.

"Do you think it's the ghosts?" Jason smirked.

"Jay, shut up. No one thinks that's funny."

"I'm not kidding!" Jason defended. "Why do you always think I'm kidding?"

"Because you always are?" Damian asked.

"If you want us to take you seriously, you should wipe that stupid smirk off your face." Tim added. 

Jason leaned over in his face leering smugly. He stuck out his tongue. "I'm not smirking. I'm smiling."

Tim rolled his eyes, there wasn't much his little brother could do that would surprise him. "The fact that you're not constantly getting decked in the face shows that there is no real justice in the world."

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