Halloween Hauntings ft. Reverse Batboys

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-Thank you to storm_of_imagination for helping me come up with a premise this-

-3353 words! This is my longest one-shot EVER!!!-

Ages (Rev BatFam):

Damian - 20

Tim - 18

Jason - 16

Dick - 12

"Backpack check." Damian called. "Asbestos masks." Around the circle, his brothers nodded. "Water, goggles, flashlights, utility belts, shoes you can run in."

"What? you think we'll have to run from ghosts?" Jason snarked.

"No, Todd. incase we have to run from rangers."

Damian was in town for the week around Halloween, which meant that for once, the boys would be working together to make trouble. Dick was really glad his biggest brother was back. Tim and Jason were pretending to be all angsty about it, but they'd been looking forwards to having the core four back together for weeks, despite everything they hated about each other.

"Okay... Demon's carrying the extra water and the matches, I'm putting the flammable stuff in MY BAG, JASON..." Tim said warningly. "you can carry everyone's jackets in your bag, and Dickie can carry the board." 

"NO WAY!" Dick shouted. Everyone shushed their littlest brother, was he trying to get them caught? Bruce would flip if he knew his kids were sneaking out of the house to break and enter, without dressing as superheroes first. "I'm not carrying that!"

"Dick, it's produced my Hasbro, it's the least scary thing." Tim said. 

"It's still a Ouija board!" Dick protested, crossing his arms.

"What? are you scared the ghosts are gonna follow you home?" Jason shoved his brother a little.

"First of all: No!" Dick shoved him back. "and, well, I've watched some scary movies, and as non-white queers, WE ARE GOING TO DIE."

Jason shoved him again "Maybe you'll survive. You're the virgin!" 

"Dick, it's not even supernatural, it's all psychology. You move the planchette subconsciously without even realizing."

"I know, you keep saying. But make Jay carry it! AND the spirit box!"

"No, I don't trust him with that. He'll set it off and get us all caught. Todd can carry the extra water and I'll take everything else." Damian said impatiently. Now everyone! Out the window! I set the ladder up during dinner!"


The energy was palpable on the drive over. It was great to have the band back together! Damian knew ALL the tricks for sneaking out: greasing the windows, using the rolled up tarps and wigs to make dummies in their beds, parking the car down the street so no one would be able to see the lights... He even rigged up a system that would automatically close and lock Tim's bedroom window once they were out. It was perfect!

"I hope there straight up ARE ghosts. How fucking sick would that be?"

"Well, we  know zombies are real, so far off could it be?" Tim jested, turning around from the passanger seat.

"Ha. Ha. If you want a zombie, Timmy, try the mirror the day after we run out of coffee!" Jason high-fived Dick, who was also forced into the backseat. "But seriously! Imagine being murdered by a ghost!"

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