Stop Asking Me!

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-this is kind of a follow up to the part "Secrets Are Made to be Exposed". This was requested by both @EmmaGrace6666  and @Richard-John-Grayson . requests always open-

"So... When did you meet Bats?" Zatanna asked.

"Well, I was eight when he a- uh- when I started as Robin." Robin explained. "So that was, like, five years ago?"

"No what were you gonna say?" Artemis interjected.


"You said 'when he...' what were you going to say?"

"Nothing, I just suck at phrasing." He said defensively. 

"No, you were definitely going to say something..."

"I wasn't!" Dick assured. "Just, let it go!" He stood up and left quickly to regain his composure. "I'm getting a drink."

Wally watched Dick's ass as he walk away. "damn, I would hit that. No homo."

Artemis gave him a massive side-eye. "How powerful do you think No Homo is??"

Dick rounded the corner and thought through how he was going to handle this. Everyone was pressuring his to disclose how he and Batman knew each other, but 'he adopted me after my parents died' might be detrimental to their secret IDs. He got some water, and went back to join the others.

"I'm just saying: it's Not Gay to want to fuck one of your boys!"

"Do you hear yourself?" Artemis demanded.

"If that's gay, that Kissing the homies goodnight is gay too. and we all know that there is nothing gay about kissing the homies goodnight!"

"Robin, are you hearing this?" Zatanna exclaimed.

Dick shrugged. "you don't have to be gay to give one of your bros a good luck kiss on the cheek."

"That's what I said!" Wally shouted. "See? Robin get's it!"

"Robin willingly holds everyone's hand when taking them somewhere." Zatanna said. "He's a soft boy, that's just how he operated."

"Hey! I'm not a soft boy!" Dick countered. "I'm... a hard boy!"

Wally snorted with laughter. Artemis rolled her eyes. "Robin is just a bottom. I'm a Top, so I would know."

"Yeah, I'm a switch, but I can confirm that Robin is a bottom." Zatanna said.

"Can We Leave This Conversation?" Dick blushed. "I'm not gay! Stop saying I'm a bottom!"

M'gann burst from her tent of thought. "Are you sure that Batman isn't your dad? I know you said it, but..."

"I think I know who my dad is!" Dick choked a little, he didn't mean to get emotional there.

"So who is your dad?" Conner asked. 

"SECRET Identity!" Dick reiterated.

"Can you give us a hint?" Zatanna pleaded.

"He, uh." Dick didn't know what to say. "He used to be as acrobatic as I am."

"Oh, did he...  grow out of it?" Conner shrugged. Dick wasn't sure how to reply.

"Hey! it could still be Bats!" Artemis pointed out. "Maybe he used to be flexible, but gained so much muscle mass that he could no longer compete with Robin, his son."

"BATMAN ISN'T MY DAD!" Dick exclaimed. okay, maybe he sometimes got sleepy and accidently called Bruce 'dad' one or eight times, and maybe Bruce was his legal guardian, and Dick considered him a father... But that didn't mean Bruce was his dad!

"Then what about daddybats?" Zatanna said in a 'checkmate' kind of way.

"That name's just a dumb inside joke that Wally and Roy came up with!" Dick spluttered.

"No, like, why does he do things like  carry you home when you pass out, and make you wear a jacket when its cold out?"

Truly unsure of what to say, Dick knocked over his water glass.  "Oops! Sorry! Wally, can you grab some paper towels?"

"Uh, Sure!" The redhead darted past them to the kitchen counter.

Dick made himself busy, not really wanting to talk. But Artemis wasn't letting him off easy. "What were you gonna say? About Bats being all protective and... dad like?"

"Robin doesn't have to answer." Kaldur stepped forwards, resting a hand on the boy's shoulder, reassuring him. "We all have complicated family relationships."

"Yeah, I guess." Artemis admitted.

"Yeah, how would you feel if we'd pressured you into telling us about your dynamic with your dad?" Wally asked, mopping up the spilled water.

"You did, genius." She replied, still sulking at having been told off. 

"Well, None of us are entitled to each other's privet lives."

"Thanks, Kaldur. Here, KF, Lemme help." Dick hurriedly grabbed a handful of paper towels.

They went quiet for a few minutes while they cleaned up the spilt water. Zatanna stopped biting her tongue. "So... is he your dad?"

"It's complicated!" Dick grumbled. "Can we just go watch Gravity Falls?"

"Gravity what?" Conner asked.

Zatanna, Wally and Dick gasped.

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