Debate Championship (Part Two)

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-Prep for awkward birdflash!-

Dick bounced from foot to foot, sugar and ADHD kicking in.

"Sit still." One of his teammates rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you're SO hyper, like, all the time!"

"Sorry." Dick physically couldn't stop, even if he wanted to, he could NOT stay still! He watched the other team, across the backstage area. Wally walked past his and joined his schoolmates.

"Ugh, Wally, there you are." One of them said. "We need to beat that little kid." She jerked her finger at Dick.

"He's so annoying!" Another groaned.

Wally glanced at him nervously and turned back to his friends. "Apparently he's like SUPER rich too..."

Dick watched him, mouth slightly open, completely still. He

"Really?" Someone asked.

"Yeah, he has a rich dad. I saw them outside and googled his name." Wally spoke quietly, like he was hoping Dick couldn't hear him. He showed his team a wiki article on Bruce Wayne. They started making comments while reading. 

"Grayson! We're going back on in five. HUDDLE!"


The way the compition was set up, they had one topic before lunch, and another after lunch. And things went downhill quickly.

'And the next topic is... Should people have to take parenting classes before adopting children?'

There was a (Nearly) universal snickering from the other table. All the other kids were looking at Dick. He didn't get it.

'Gotham Junior Acamdemy will be arguing for, and Centeral middle school against.'

More snickering. Dick was confused. He turned to his much taller twelve year old teammate. "Wait, what's happening? Why is everyone laughing?" He asked quietly, though not too quiet for the table mic to pick up.

No one wanted to answer, they just seperated to plan their defences.

"You're going down, Grayson!"

"Gotham." Dick corrected innocently.

"He's talking to you, idiot." His teammate hissed.

Dick understood, turning to the other team and leaning into the table mic. "No thank you. I think I'll win this one, if it's okay with you."

This did not sit well with girl on the other team. "We were laughing about the topic because you're adopted!"

The whole mood changed. Dick was shocked. The audience was shocked. Dick's team was offended. The other team was agreeing with the girl, except Wally.

"Okay, okay, OKAY!" The redhead grabbed the mic off the table. "All jokes aside; Maddie, you can't say that. Never say that to anyone." 

"Come on, Wally..." She scoffed.

"Nononono." He shushed her and his teammates. "Just because I told you about this kid didn't mean you could bring it up... IN A FORMAL DEBATE? YOU CAN'T MAKE PERSONAL COMMENTS DURING A FORMAL DEBATE!" Wallys priorities were clear. He coughed, putting on a radio announcer voice. "Ladies and gentlemen, please give us a moment, We need to reassess our group dynamic..." 

He snapped off the Mic (Pretty good for a preteen) and slammed it back on the folding table as the teacher escort began chewing them out. 

Dick turned off their mic, looking upset. He went to their teacher, said something, and ran into the wings.

The announcer called break.


Dick didn't want to cry. He didn't. He was really trying not to cry. He'd Been through worse, he'd been through a lot worse, but this one had just caught him so far off gaurd.

"Hey, Booster-seat... Dick." He felt someone sit next to him. "So, our school is getting kicked out of the compitition because of MaDdIe...


"No, it's her fault for being the WORST. But that sure screwed over all of us who worked Really hard to get here..." He leaned against Dick's side. "But hey. She's the worst."

"Why were you saying who I am?" Dick sniffled. 

"You saw that?" Wally blinked. "I wanted to tell everyone because.... I just thought it was cool! A famous kid just gave me his sandwich! That's SO cool!"

"I'm not famous." Dick said. "Bruce is."

"So are you! Also, you're competeing with 7th graders! That's so cool! I'm twelve, you're, like, nine, and you're just as smart as me!"

"No way, you're smarter." Dick argued.

Wally shook his head. "You totally kept your cool while everyone was attacking you! That's so cool! You're like... like Batman or something!"

A smile grew across his face. Dick didn't really need to cry anymore. He whiped his eyes completely dry, and kept talking with Wally.

Finally, the stage door opened, and Bruce hurried in. "DICK!" 

"Bruce!" Dick rolled back where he was sitting. 

Bruce grabbed him off the floor, pricking him up, and drilling him with questions: 'are you okay?', 'oh my god, I'm so sorry!', 'Do you want to leave?', 'let's go right now, I'll tell you tearcher, let's go!'.

"I'm okay, Bruce." He sniffled, still being held off the ground.

"What did he say?" Bruce glared at Wally. Easily a 78% glare. 

"Nothing." Dick assured.

"Nothing except?" Bruce clarified.

Dick quietly repeated to Bruce that Wally said his team had to quit the compitition. "He also said I'm smart." Dick whispered, not wanting Wally to know how flattered he felt.

Bruce decided that Barry's nephew wasn't an immidiate threat...

"Okay, Dickie, You getyour things, and I'm going to go talk to Mr. D'grout, okay?"

"Okay." He nodded, letting Bruce put him down. He went off to get his backpack. 

Wally followed. "So... he is your dad?"

"I don't know..." Dick was a little upset from having Bruce sweep him off the floor and calm him down in front of his new... friend? "Are we friends?"

Wally thought about it for a second. "Okay, sure!"

"Dick, Come on, we're leaving!" Bruce called. He pulled Dick off the floor and started to leave.

"By Wally." Dick called.


-Still considering doing the YJ/Marvel crossover book. Thoughts?-

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