Secrets Are Made to be Exposed

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-the fact that Dick Grayson's age makes Bruce seem WAY older than he is...-

"You wanna play Never Have I Ever?" Zatanna asked.

"Sure!" Robin replied. "Lemme draw up an NDA real quick..."

Wally groaned. "You make EVERYTHING so complicated!"

"Oh, so you'd like these guys to be able to tell your secrets?" Dick asked, scribbling on the back of a grocery list. "Bats made me sign like thirty of these when I became Robin."

"You were like, eight-or-nine when you became Robin." M'gann pointed out. 

"Yeah, it was weird, my handwriting looked horrible." Robin finished scribbling, and passed the 'contract' to Zatanna, who signed it without question, and slid it to Conner. 

He glanced over the page. "This isn't notarized."

"I'm the grade eight student activity representative, I'll notarize it personally tonight."

The clone frowned. "That's not very legal."

"Just sign it!"

So, Conner signed his initials with a whiteboard marker, like the fucking chad that he is, and passed it to his girlfriend. M'gann volunteered to go get drinking glasses.

She slid to the redhead, who Sneered at it a little. "Ew, dude, did you try to do this in cursive?"

"Try?" Robin sounded offended.

"Dude, you're cursive sucks!" Wally squinted, trying to read it. He eventually gave up and scribbled his name at the base, passing it to Kaldur.

"I'm sorry, my friend, I cannot read most of this."

Dick looked up. "Which parts can't you read?" He crawled closer.

Kaldur held up the paper. "By signing this contract I agree to..."

"-I agree not to share-"

"the secrets of my friends or teammates, by write..."

"By written word, word of mouth, telepathy, or any other methods without the person's consent." Dick finished, sheepishly, he was always a little embarrassed by how messy his handwriting was.

"Thank you, I agree." Kaldur signed quickly in his first language.

"Thanks." Robin took the page back. "Who wants to start?"

"Never have I ever stolen alcohol from an adult." M'gann stated, passing out glasses of orange juice.

Artemis took a drink, Conner did too. Wally put up his hand. "Does it count it I stole it from Roy?"

"Yes." Wally took a drink, as did Dick.

"Rob, you're thirteen!" Artemis exclaimed. "Get your shit together!"

"How old were you when you started smoking?" Dick asked.

Artemis stopped. "Fuck you." She flipped him off. "Never have I ever been a little bitchboy suck up to my mentor."

"I find it rich that you're calling me a suck up, when Wally did a life-threatening experiment, which could've either given him superpowers, or killed him."

The redhead rolled his eyes. "I took the risk, and it payed off. Always take the risk."

"Wally, that's not the takeaway." M'gann said, concerned. "you could've died, and not you've been genetically altered for life."

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