Gay Brunch

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It wasn't pride month, but as Conner so eloquently put it: "Fuck, we only get ONE month?!"

So, as they were all very queer and friends, they decided to meet up and be gay together. Being gay is a hundred times better with gay friends.

The plan was to meet up on a Sunday morning, all wearing their gayest (or most Alt) outfits, and stroll into Happy Harbor to get brunch. Because in case you forgot, they are all very gay and not-heterosexual.

M'gann and Conner were up early since everyone was meeting at their place. She had opted to wear a very flowy white dress, flower crown, cute forestry heels, and  a friendship bracelet with she/her pronouns on it. Conner was dressed the same as always, except with a flannel around his waist. The team always jested that he was a grunge lesbian in drag.

Kaldur showed up early, his gay outfit consisted of a comfy grey cardigan, and the kinda shit he usually wore. Artemis was next, decked out in combat boots, army pants, a black tank top and her best Alt TikTok makeup. She'd also had a gay-looking safety pin sticking through her ear.

"Did you... do that yourself?" Canner asked.

"Yep. Took me all night."

"Didn't it hurt?" M'gann sounded worried.

Artemis shrugged. "I had a few ibuprofen and a beer, so I couldn't feel it as much."

"Please, I can't control what you do, but please try not to mix pills and alcohol." Kaldur requested. He wished she'd gone to a parlor, or called him to get help piercing her ear. It would've been a lot safer.

Wally was there next, he was in a button up- a third open with the collar popped, and jeans. "Am I late again?" He groaned. "I didn't wanna get up. sorry."

"You're not the last to arrive." Kaldur assured, just as Zatanna stumbled through the zetabeam. She wore a bralette and sheer top; long pleated, black skirt and wore a wide-brimmed dark hat. She was already carrying a black reusable starbucks cup. 

"Sorry I'm late, I'm still working on my living situation at home."

"That's understandable. Did you sleep?" Kaldur asked, mom senses kicking in.

"Four hours." She sipped through her reusable straw."This is tap water."

Robin wasn't late, he was just more on time than he was early. He was dressed the same as always, which they found exceedingly disappointing. "Sorry. am I the last one?" He kept glancing behind him anxiously. 

"Is that what you're wearing?" Wally asked judgementally. "Cause the 'fit's kinda flopping."

Dick shook his head "Lemme just change real quick." He ducked out of the living room for a few minutes, returning in his new fit. He was rocking cuffed dark jeans, a loose-ish white shirt, and circular shades (He stole those from Conner).

"Cute." Zatanna observed. "Let me just..." She hustled to the next room and dragged in black jean jacket, she flipped it open so you could see the inside, which had a Bisexual pride flag. "Wear it!"

Dick sheepishly tried it on and smiled. "Thanks. Let's go."

They strolled down the mountain, stopping once in a while to take pictures of cool mushrooms and flowers. They finally found themselves in town, and headed into the local inn restaurant. The pure amount of them forced the kids into a nine person booth. Everyone got drinks. Non alcoholic drinks, since they're minors and Artemis had a bit of a hangover.

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