Obligatory Weed Chapter

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-Y'all know me. I love wrigting high characters. It might not be 100% accurate, cause I haven't smoked in like a month-


"He was... injured on the last mission." Canary acknowledged.

"SO?" Wally asked. "Is he going to be okay?"

"He's expected to make a full recovery. but, he's not at his best right now. He won't be for a few days."

"Why?" M'gann asked, concerned. 

"Can we go in and see him?" Conner inquired. 

"Well, yes, but..." Black Canary thought over how to explain this. "Robin is on some heavy painkillers to help with his ankle, and he doesn't have much of a filter for what he says..."

Wally gasped. "I need to get in and see him!" He forced his way into the med bay. Dick was sitting up in bed, propped up on a pile of pillows. He had his mask on, probably because he kept slumping over, and his glasses would come off. "Hey Rob!"

Dick started, and looked around until he spotted the redhead. "Wally!" He smiled. "C'mere!"

Wally did. "You feeling okay?"

"Baad." Dick moaned. "But happy-ish."

Wally nodded. "high?"

"Oh, yes please." Dick laughed a little at himself. His eyes lingered onto Wally's, and they soon found themselves in a sort of staring contest. They stayed that way, until the others forced their way past Black Canary and into the med bay.

"Robin!" M'gann cried. "I'm so glad you're awake!"

Wally looked up at her, breaking the eye contact. Being pulled from his daze, Robin looked up at her and smiled. "M'gann! You look... tired."

She blushed a little, and began fixing  herself up. She knew Robin didn't mean to be rude, he just didn't have a filter right now. "I've been worried sick!"

Dick chuckled, out of it. "Why?"

"Cause you got shot, moron!" Artemis exclaimed.

"Oh. right." A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Dick's mouth. "Where?"

"You're ankle." Conner responded. 

Dick looked down, his meds were pretty strong, he couldn't feel a thing. "Which one?"

"The left one."

"Which one's that?"

"That one." Wally almost patted Dick's ankle, but just remembered to change directions, and point at Dick's left ankle.

Dick nodded a little. "Don't feel it."

"Cause you're super high!" Wally exclaimed, Dick was being a bit ditzy and lightheaded, but it was cute. He was going to tease Dick for this when he was back to normal.

Wally got the go-ahead nod from Dinah, and sprinted out.

"Robin, can you feel this?" Artemis pinched his cheek. 

Dick laughed a little. "no."

"Can you feel... this?" She smacked him across the face.

"Artemis!" Kaldur exclaimed, stepping forwards with the others to stop her.

Dick laughed again, now with a huge pink mark on the side of his face. "no!"

"Artemis what the hell?" Wally exclaimed. putting his arm protectively between the two. 

"What?" He can't feel it!"

Dick was getting bored in this large, sanitized room. "Can I go to the living room?"


Dick was sitting politely on the sofa, surprisingly proper considering that he was so high he couldn't feel his body. 

Since Dick had to stay there while recovering, and the team refused to leave him alone, Dinah went ahead and prepared a snack for them. She set the plates in front of where the teens were watching TV.

"There you go. Robin, I want you to eat some of this, it will help you get better."

Dick looked down at the plate of freezer fries and smiled. "Thank you. I have something for you."

She cocked a curious eyebrow at him as Dick began rifling through his hoodie pocket. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and thrust something into it.

"What's this...?" She opened her palm to see... about ten dollars in cash and change.

"Thank you." Dick smiled and turned away again, digging into his fries.

Dinah wanted to laugh, turning, and strolling to where the boys mentor was working. She smiled, and leaned towards him. "You did something right raising that boy." Bruce raised his eyebrows under his cowl. She grinned, setting the money down in front of him. "You taught him how to tip the waiter."

Bruce looked down at it. "He doesn't know any better."

"No, no, it's cute. Slip that back in his allowance this month."

Dick stared at the plate in quiet. "What?" Artemis asked.

"I need cutlery." Dick stated quietly.

"Pfft. who needs cutlery to eat fries?" She snorted, tossing a few in her mouth.

"Yeah Rob, just eat with your fingers." Wally encouraged. Dick shook his head, and M'gann got up to get him some silverware. 

Dick took his fork and knife, and began cleanly eating his freezer fries. The team looked around at each other. Artemis snorted. "Uh, how are your fries, your highness?"

Dick paused and swallowed. "Good." He continued eating. It was jarring: seeing their thirteen year old Robin, sitting perfectly upright and eating politely. He seemed too young to be acting so grown up.

"So, now we know: when Robin gets high, he acts rich."

Wally laughed uncomfortably. Dick went to say something, but Wally slapped his hands over the boys mouth. "Rob... are you feeling well enough to take a shower now?"

Dick moved over, out of Wally's hands, and used a paper towel to clean his mouth. "Okay. Except my leg."

"Sure, I'll help you clean, you are WAY too high to do that alone."


Eventually, Bruce managed to pull his son home. The boy was still drugged up, and practically hanging off his arm.

"I'm tired."

"I know, Dick." He replied tiredly. Having his son get shot earlier in the night taxed the only emotions he had left.

"Put me to bed?" Dick asked, tugging on his father's arm for balance.

Bruce gave him a confused look. Usually, Dick got angry when Bruce so much as told him to go to bed. "You're thirteen... are you sure?"

Dick gave him puppy dog eyes, pulling on his arm pleadingly. "Please?"

Bruce sighed. His little boy was growing up, he might not get many more chances to do this. "Okay, sure. Let's get changed."

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