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-I feel unmotivated to work on requests, so here's another original idea-

"This is stupid." Artemis Rolled her eyes. "Why can't we do normal teenage things? Like go to the movies, or drink slurpies at the park, or something?"

Wally gaped at her. "Artemis, The three of us with no adults! This is a perfect time to get proof he exists!"

"What I don't get if how you can believe in him, but not believe in things like ghosts, or magic! You literally see Zatanna use magic in front of your own eyes every week!"

Dick leaned over the counter, flashing a smile at the confused barista. "He'll have a large apple cider, she wants a medium London fog, and... can I get a medium mocha please?"

"Because Mothman is FLESH AND BONE, Arty! Mothman is scientifically possible!"

"And ghosts aren't?"

"People are staring..." Dick muttered, paying for their coffees and sitting at a table in the little cafe. "So, what's the plan?" Get lost in the woods without any way back to safety?"


"That was a joke, Wally." Dick said, concerned. 

"And you're sure the league won't know we're doing this?" Artemis asked nervously. Roy and Ollie would never let her live it down if they knew the boys had convinced her to go cryptid hunting.

"Our lie is water tight! Those guys suck at communicating!" Dick assured.

"Besides, magic isn't scientifically plausible." Wally grumbled, refusing to drop the argument.

"Oh, so Zatanna doesn't exist?"

"I never said that! You're strawman-ing me! I've seen Zatanna do things, but it's not magic, it's just manipulating her environment! It's just science we don't understand yet!" Wally through himself back in his chair, unaware of the other, eavesdropping patrons. "If Mothman isn't real, what do you think all those people saw?"

"A Hoax! Tourist revenue! We literally spent all afternoon in gift shops, tourist traps, and taking pictures with the Mothman statue!"

Dick looked up. "Didn't you have fun?" 

She sat down. "...yeah."

"Large Apple cider, medium london fog and mocha!" 

"See?" Dick got up to retrieve their drinks. "Plus, that merch we got was pretty sweet." He set the drinks down at the table. "I wonder how B would react to my 'Mothman is my top' t-shirt?" He cackled.

"How would agent A react?" Wally countered. That shut him up. 

"So what's the plan?" Artemis gripped her drink around the cardboard sleeve, and blew on it softly. Robin always knew their drink orders by heart. 

"Well, It's six, so, well grab some dinner, and head over to the wildlife reserve after dark and... see what happens."








"Epic teeshirts?" Dick interrupted.

"Check Check Check!" Wally pointed around at the three of them. 

"Great, let's get this over with." Artemis grumbled. Pacing down the wide road. "So, which way do we go?"

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