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"By the way in those other...tapes they didn't even compare to you"I said smiling.

"They must have been really bad then"He said chuckling.

"You're incredible"I said smirking which he softly smiled back to and shook his head he was honestly too kind.

"I'm getting in the shower if you want to join"I said walking into the bathroom whilst taking my top off.

"How can i say no to that" he said laughing following after me.

Half an hour later we were downstairs eating lunch until i felt this nauseous feeling, i quickly got up and went to the bathroom and threw up; that was strange i thought to myself. I sat by the toilet for a few minutes until Bruce walked in naturally asking if i was alright i just nodded my head but my eyes felt heavy and my head was sore and then i threw up again as Bruce held my hair back.

I lay back against the wall saying "thankyou" and giving him a soft smile.

"Let me know if you need anything"Bruce replied.

"Will do"I said slowly getting up and he was quick to help me.

"I think it's just food poisoning" I said with a small smile.

"Yeah"He said rubbing my back.

"I'm just going to lie down"I stated walking out to my room.

"Ok just call me if you need anything"He said as he walked back to the lab, i swear he just lives there.

I got up to my room and lay down thinking overthinking of all the possible reasons of how i got sick, one that reluctantly entered my mind somehow if i was miraculously was pregnant but i knew that could never happen but thinking about it made me realise that i was late on my period but that was probably because i lost so much blood.I wondered for awhile until i was so tired i just went to sleep.

When i woke up again Bruce was sat next to me reading a book as i said hi to him and when i sat up i felt damp, i looked down and i had just started my period great, i rushed to the toilet and opened my drawer and realised i was out of tampons, of course this would happen.I now would have to shout Bruce over to get some but luckily he must have seen the blood and came up to the door saying "Are you alright?"

"Yeah i'm fine....but um Bruce...can you buy me some tampons from the store".I practically murmured at the end.

"Buy you what?"Bruce replied.

"Some tampons"I accidentally shouted.

"Ugh yeah..sure"He said shyly.I told which ones to get and he quickly went off. Whilst he was gone i thought to myself how i'm so stupid to remotely even think about whether i was pregnant because i knew it was near impossible.

Bruce shortly came back and knocked on the door as i let him come in, he nervously just focused on my face and placed the tampons to the side asking if they were alright which i nodded back to, i also noticed he brought me some spare clothes to change into, how on earth do i deserve this man.

Before he left he noticed my dirty clothes and picked them up walking out the room. When i walked out after i changed i saw he had already changed the sheets and i presume he went and put my clothes in the wash. I noticed he had also bought some chocolate and a bottle of water for me which was so sweet of him.

I sat back down on the bed and happily munched away with my chocolate, he then shortly came back and sat next to me.

"I'm sorry"I said as i put my chocolate to the side.

"Hey it's alright i would do it anytime"He replied smiling back at me.

Suddenly i felt sharp cramps in my stomach as i moved uncomfortably in pain, whenever this happened a hot water bottle would always help it.I got up and started walking out the room as Bruce mentioned "Where are you going?"

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