Chapter 1

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They woke up from a knock on their bedroom door.

"yeah yeah, in a minute" they mumbled, wanting to go back to sleep.

They sat up quickly, since when did they close their door? Immediately they winced, a sharp pain going through their head from the abrupt movement. They reached up to feel their head, but before they touched their head, they saw their hand.

It... was a skeleton hand. No skin, muscles, nerves... Only their phalanges, carpals and metacarpals, seemingly held together by nothing. They lifted the hand close to their face and noticed that their eye sight was weird. They normally needed glasses, so why could they see perfectly? They could even see a weird red glow on their hand.

Glow? They paid a bit more attention to the glow and noticed that it came from their right eye, and was just being reflected on their hand. They looked around the room they were in and noticed there wasn't any mirror anywhere. It didn't matter, they would be able to take a closer look when they went to a bathroom.

The room was a bit dark, the only light coming through the window. It was a mess, the bed they had been laying on was a mattress on the floor, with a ball of sheets on top of it. At the feet of the mattress was a small tornado with some pieces of trash in it.

In the middle of the room was a treadmill, it had a thick layer of dust on it, and a small note was taped on it with a joke. They moved to the drawer and opened it, trying to see if there would be anything in it that might help with their memory. Nothing in it seemed familiar, there was a bunch of paper in it, a jacket with a fluffy hood, a pair of shorts and a tiny silver key.

The room itself vaguely reminded them of something they must've seen at some point. That seemed a bit hilarious though, whose room had they seen that had a small and seemingly contained trash tornado?

"no way..." they gasped, "sans' room?"

Wait, they appeared to be a skeleton from what they could see, did that mean they were Sans now? Oh no, they don't want to deal with Resets and the kid and ugh.

Red glow... why was their eye glowing red if they were Sans? Sans' eye glowed blue and yellow, not red. They had a bad feeling about this, something that worsened when they remembered the pain in their... skull?

It was with dread that they reached up once more towards their head... skull... and this time they didn't get distracted by anything. Okay, there was bone, bone, bone, hole, bone, bon- wait hole?

They frantically tried to feel their skull, feeling the edges of the hole. The edges were ragged, like something had shattered them like porcelain. Or... someone.

The picture all this evidence painted was horrible and their fear slowly increased as they put all the pieces together. No, they might not be him! They weren't Classic Sans though, that was something they were sure of.

A knock was heard once more from the door, and this time a loud voice could be heard too.


They started to panic, they didn't remember anything from the life this Sans had led, did they need to be cliché and pull the amnesiac card?

That Sans was known to have problems remembering anything before his incident too said a little voice in their head, but they waved it a way quickly, deciding that it was the truth in a way.

They decided to sit on the bed, staring at the door to see when the Papyrus would come in.

When the Papyrus didn't hear a response, he opened the door and immediately locked eyes with them.

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