A small Bond

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Bruce had to learn the hard way. No matter what he did, Jane never even glanced at him. He was sure she hated him! For once he was interested in a woman and she was not. How could Lex be doing better than him? After not much research, Bruce discovered she was a multimillionaire (not as rich as him) and the newly appointed education minister.

"Master Bruce, you must attend your own charity gala," Alfred suggested. Yes, I should. Maybe she'll be there since it was a charity gala for public schools. With a tiny bit of hope, Bruce made his way up to the manor. Dick was waiting for him by the grandfather clock.

"What's up champ?" Bruce ruffled his hair.

"Bruccccce! It took me two hours to get my hair done!" Dick pouted, trying to fix his hair. Bruce chuckled at his 8 year old.

"Let's go!" Bruce smiled, offering him his big hand which he happily took. Bruce always wondered what he did to deserve this little ray of sunshine. He didn't deserve the boy yet he could never imagine his life without him. The two made their way down the stairs, catching everyone's attention. Bruce searched for the one person who could make his heart drop and when his eyes landed on her small figure, he forgot how to breathe. Dick followed his father figure's gaze until his eyes landed on Jane. He smirked, knowing all too well.

"Bruce, remember to breathe," he smirked at his mentor before running off to who knows where.


Bruce had been acting weird lately. I thought he might have been poisoned but Alfred says he's love sick. Alfred is never wrong, especially when it comes to Bruce or the family. Bruce and I were walking down the stairs before he suddenly stopped, squeezing my hand. I was confused but when I followed his gaze, I knew exactly what was happening. When Alfred said love sick, I imagined she would be some shallow, gold digging slut but not the new education minister. Just the other day, he was on patrol in the pouring rain when he saw her watching the Gotham night from her balcony with a cup of hot chocolate. When she saw him, she waved for him to come near. She looked like a kind lady and you can't blame him, he's only eight. Plus Batman was less than two blocks away. He landed on her balcony with enough distance to jump back if she attacked. She went inside. He was confused and just about to leave when she came back with a towel, another cup of hot chocolate and a plate of cookies. He sat with her, drinking warm hot chocolate and eating freshly baked cookies. She didn't give him the usual 'you're too young' talk or even ask him anything. They enjoyed their cookies and hot chocolate in comfortable silence while watching the rain pour on Gotham.

He was glad Bruce fell for her. He wouldn't mind - no he would love to have her as his mother figure. He happily made his way to her but not heading straight for her. She would think Bruce sent him. Though it wasn't easy getting past the greedy ladies pulling his cheeks. His plan was to bump into her on accident but only if things ever go as planned.

One of the servers didn't see him, tripping over him and spilling all of his drinks on Jane's beautiful blue dress.

"I'm so sorry miss," the man begged. She waved him off, grabbing a few napkins.

"I'm sorry, if he didn't trip over me -"

"It's no worries. I was just about to head home anyways," she smiled at me. I suddenly came up with a new plan. This could work. I grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the crowd and up the stairs.

"If you leave like this, I'll feel guilty forever," I gave her my puppy eyes. No one could resist my puppy eyes. She sighed, giving into me. I led her to my room.

"This is my room," I proudly showed her. "You can shower in there," I pointed to the bathroom before running to the closet and pulling out one of Bruce's very huge t-shirts that I stole from him. She gave me a motherly smile as I handed her the t-shirt and a new towel. "I'll take your dress so Alfred can wash it," I smiled.

"There's no need for that, my little bird," she ruffled my hair before heading to the bathroom. The gala should be ending in a few minutes so I made my way back downstairs. Hopefully Bruce wouldn't die of a heart attack.


Finally the gala was over but Bruce never got the chance to talk to Jane. He sighed in defeat. That was until he saw Dick being a bit too happy, that could never be good and Alfred had a small smile as well. What were the two planning?

"What are -"

"Um thank you for the clothes but I must get going now," Jane's voice cut off. She was still here? I turned to see her in one of my favorite t-shirts which I knew Dick stole, walking down the stairs. The T-shirt was a dress on her small figure. My heart was ready to jump out of my chest.

"I'll take your dress miss," Alfred stated.

"That's alright."

"No, I must insist," Alfred answered, taking the dress from her hands. She was left stunned before giving Alfred a smile and a thank you.

"You can't leave yet! We never got to know each other," Dick yelled before dragging her to his room. I was left stunned.

"Master Bruce, Leaving your mouth open is not very gentleman-like," Alfred smirked.

After hours, Bruce went to check on his boy, only to find his boy and Jane cuddling each other to sleep. With a small smile, he headed to the cave. Maybe he still had a chance.

Dick: I'm the best wing man!
Me: she didn't say yes yet!
Jane: what?
Me: nothing you need to know.
Dick: it's our inside joke!
Me: yah!
Bruce: moving on, remember to like and comment!
Dick: your no fun Bruce!
Alfred watching all of this while eating popcorn.  

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