Jason no more💙

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Thank you everyone for reading. Enjoy! 


tap tap tap tap tap

Today Gotham cried for its son. With every tear, every sound, it reminded all of what had been lost. Today the darkness of sorrow and misery won. Not a soul could be seen on the streets.

For today a Robin was lost.

Their symbol of hope was gone so why continue to fight the inevitable?

Who knew, a city dared to dream because of one small boy.

They grieved when one Robin abandoned them but they understood. Now they grieve because of the one they lost. The one who would not return. The one they would not see grow and make them feel pride.

It was not fair.

Why did good things always end in Gotham?


"Bruce, Please..... we - Gotham needs you," Jane banged at his door. Bruce sat on a chair, looking down at Gotham with a bottle of alcohol. He blamed himself. He should have never let him go alone. Yes, they had their difficulties but he should have done better.

Jason jumped on a couch in Bruce's office. He studied the man for a bit before pulling on his signature smirk. "Bruceeeeeeee- '' He kept tapping the said man as the man tried to finish his paperwork.

"Jason," Bruce finally gave in.

"Let's play soccer (football). The sun has been so kind to visit us so let's not waste it," He pulled a ball out of nowhere. Bruce ruffled the boy's hair before placing him on his shoulders. Work could wait.

Tears crept through his eyes as reality hit him. He would never get to see that grin, or hear those snarky remarks or his innocent imagination. Bruce clenched his chest in hopes to close the hole that dared to rip him apart. His little boy was gone because he didn't make it on time. And the worst part was, his killer was still breathing. He wanted to end him just like he ended his son but he only saw victory in that man's eyes. He would never let the man that took away his son die with the sense of victory. No! He would make every breathing minute a living hell. He's going to wish he were dead.



"Bruce......please open up," Jane begged. He just wanted to be alone. Was that too much to ask for? He pulled open the door in fury, stepping aside and watching as Jane fell to the ground. He walked back to his seat, not sparing her a glance. She limped to him, kneeling down to his eye level. She took his face in her hands as she made him look at her. At her pale face and puffy red eyes. A part of him wanted to embrace her while the other wanted to push her away.

"I know it hurts but you can't lock yourself up here. We'll get through this together," Bruce pushed her hands away.

"Jane, I want to be alone," He bat glared at her but she didn't back down. Why was she so persistent? Did she not get the hint?

She took his large hand into her smaller one. "You have been in this room for two weeks now. I know you're hurting. We all are and that's why we all need to help each other, be there for each other -"

"And how are you going to help me?" He pushed her away before getting up from his chair and stepping towards her. Jane trembled in fear as she crawled away from him. "With this stupid talk of yours?"

"B.b.bbruce calm down," she shuddered as she backed into the wall but he didn't stop until he was only centimeters away from her face. With the darkest look in his eyes, he glared into her soul.

"If you had loved him enough, he would have never left to find his biological mother. He would still be here with his family. This is your fault. You made him do this Jane LaRoss - " Alfred pulled Bruce away from Jane as she took in his every word.

"Master Bruce! We are all going through a very hard time right now and we certainly do not need to throw the blame around. We all loved him with all our heart but there are some things that we can just not control," Alfred tried to put some sense into his master. "Miss Jane -" he turned to assure her but she was gone. He could only hope she would be all right. "To bed Master Bruce."

Richard watched his mother figure run out into the pouring rain. He watched as Alfred led Bruce to his room. He watched as Alfred wiped his tears. He watched as Alfred smiled to make him feel everything would be alright but he knew it wouldn't.

"Should I follow her?" he asked his grandfather figure. He didn't know what to do to save his family from falling apart. He lost his parents. Now his brother. He couldn't bear to lose anyone else.

"No master Dick. I believe she needs to be alone right now."

"Is....is everything going to be okay?" He was afraid. Losing Jason had taken a toll on him. He was so used to Jason being by his side that it was terrifying to be alone. Especially with Bruce always in his room. If it had not been for Jane, he was sure Alfred and him would have fallen apart. He didn't know if he could take it any longer.


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