Generous Capturer

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"mmmmmmm!!!mmmmm '' the woman muffled into the dirty cloth in her mouth. Her forehead dripped with sweat as she struggled with the rope that held her hands behind her back. With a sigh of defeat, she tried to free her legs only to be kicked in the ribcage. She didn't have much air in her lungs to begin with, the kick left her suffocating. Fighting for every molecule of oxygen. The lack of oxygen or maybe the build of Carbon made her head feel weightless. She felt her stomach fall to the ground and her world become almost dream-like. She felt her body float as an unusual yet calming sleep took her.

The next time she woke up, it was to be fed and hydrated. Her captor kept her tied, taking out the cloth but adding a blindfold. She didn't have the energy to speak or fight back and she was dying of hunger and thirst. So she let them feed her. Surprisingly, they were gentle. Feeding her like she was a baby and then once again she was left alone. To her thoughts. Would anyone realize she was missing? How long has it been? Slowly she drifted to sleep.

As she slept her captor removed her blindfolds, softly running a hand through her hair. Gently removing her restraints before allowing a doctor to take care of her injuries. As the drugs kept her in a peaceful slumber, her captor carried her to a new location but not before putting a bullet through the skull of the fool who dared connect his filthy feet with her fragile body.

The next time she woke up, she had a small headache, nothing she couldn't handle. She no longer had the blind fold or the cloth. Her hands and feet were still restrained yet there was less pain. She groaned as she moved her head to the other side. She knew she had been moved once again. This place was much cleaner. How many times have they moved now? Was it twelve? She lost count after eight. She didn't know if it was day or night. How many days has it been or why her captor was so generous. It was like he didn't want to hurt her. Was it to use her? For ransom? For information? Attention? Or...... a thought she had suppressed for so long because it was impossible. It had to be! But the more time that passed it was becoming the most likely. Was this to get to her family?


"They moved again!" Nightwing punched the wall in frustration. That was 15 moves. 15 fails. 15 days. 360 hours.... 21600 minutes .... 1296000 seconds......That's how long he had not heard nor seen his mother.

"Perhaps it is time we called it a night," Alfred instructed in the coms. Nightwing continued to stare at the only thing left at the scene of the crime. A mocking slip.

'Try harder'

He pulled his hair in frustration. Harder. They were all doing their best yet they were always one step behind. It was like he knew them better than they knew themselves. Mocking us.

"We're gonna find her.....right?" Tim shuttered as he inspected a bullet hole. The small boy was shaking in fear, and slight anger. Would his mother-like figure never be found? Was she alive? He didn't want to voice the fears eating him alive. Nightwing wrapped his strong arms around the boy, ensuring everything would be alright. It had to be. He couldn't lose one more family member.

Batman watched his sons from afar. He clenched his fits, shaking his head. With no hesitation, he pulled out his phone and called the Justice League.

"Gotham Now."


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