" I, Y/N L/N "

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Jane stood with confidence, in her black and white suit with her hair in a bun. The judge gestured for her to put her hand on the law book. She took in one deep breath, quickly glancing at the boys, Arthur, Bruce, Alfred, and Selina. She controlled her shaking hand as she placed it on the book. The judge nodded for her to continue.

"I, Jane LaRoss, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington, and all local ordinances, and that I will faithfully and impartially perform and discharge the duties of the office of Gotham, according to the law and the best of my ability."

The crows erupted into cheers as Jane shook the Judge's hand. "I look forward to working with you Ms. Mayor."

"As do I," Jane was still shocked. She won. She became the Mayor of Gotham.

"I believe your speech awaits," the Judge pointed to the crowd and media. Jane nodded, taking the mike.

"Good afternoon citizens of Gotham. As you know, I was not born nor raised in Gotham however I found a home here. A family. A life. I first stepped foot in Gotham to hide but not two days later, I was involved in its craziness. From childhood, all I did was run but Gotham taught me how to fight back. Yes, It may be dark but the brightest light can only be found in the darkest places. Yes, it's filled with craziness but it's our craziness. Yes, it's not the best city but it can be. We, together can make that happen. As Mayor, I promise to do my absolute best to make this city a better place. To bring out the hope and brightness this city hides behind its curtain of darkness." She finished her speech, surprised to find how proud and encouraged everyone looked. Alfred wiped a tear with his handkerchief, while Bruce hid the smug look of his face. Arthur couldn't help but smile, he always knew she was one of a kind. The boys just stared at her with no words.

After wrapping up, Jane made her way to the manor. The front door was already open, and the lights were off. She was skeptical but made her way in.

"Surprise!" She jumped in the air, placing a hand on her heart. The lights turned on to show the room decorated in all colors with everyone waiting for her. Jane wiped the tears of joy as she hugged her boys. Though Damian and Jason were red as tomatoes. Their bad boy act was destroyed.

"Congratulations Ms. LaRoss," Aqualad shook her hands.

"Kaldur'ahm , we talked about this. Just Jane is fine," she smiled at him and his team. Dick smugly put an arm around her shoulder, grinning at Wally.

"Now I can proudly say my mom's the Mayor," Wally hit him upside his head. Jane excused herself, escaping from the oncoming headache.

"He's not wrong. I can't wait to tell people my best friend's the Mayor," Selina handed her a cup of wine.

"Just don't say it as Catwoman," Jane giggled. Selina only gave a mischievous wink before joining the crowd.

"Congratulations Miss Jane or should I say Ms. Mayor," Jane hugged Alfred.

"Just Jane is fine. Thank you Alfred," the simple words held so much more emotions then could be described and Alfred understood.

"It was nothing dear. This is your hard work," he gave her one last smile before attending to the guests.

"He's right. You made this happen," Arthur placed a quick kiss on her lips. "I always knew you had it in you and now you know too." Jane wiped her tears as she hugged him.

"Thank you Arthur. Without you, I would still be sitting somewhere in the rain, crying." It was true. He was what kept her from falling like she kept him standing. Bruce cleared his throat, making his presence known. Arthur excused himself, giving the two a moment.

"Congrats Ms. Mayor. I hope we can make Gotham a better place together," Jane smiled at him, giving him a hug.

"I too. When I first came to Gotham, I honestly did not understand you or Batman but I couldn't have been more wrong. Gotham needs Bruce Wayne and Batman just as much as it needs air."

"That's a relief," Bruce let out a chuckle.

"Excuse me?"

"What? It's better to have the Mayor on your side than not. You were making me run for my money when you weren't even Mayor with your 'Down With Batman' movement. As Mayor, who knows what you would do." Jane gave his arm a soft punch.

"Is that a challenge Mr. Wayne?"

"Certainty not." As the night continued, she received many congrats and encouraging words but she already had all the support she needed. Her family. She promised herself to do nothing but her best. She would never let them down.


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