World's greatest detective

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"You do not look surprised by the outcome Alfred," Bruce stepped into the cave. Alfred continued to sip his tea with little interest in his Master.

"Your relationship ended the moment you told her if she had loved Jason enough, he would have never left to find his biological mother." Alfred was unfazed by his Master's glare as he continued to enjoy his Earl grey.

"I was upset, Alfred. You know I didn't mean that," Bruce began to work on the endless cases awaiting him but his attention was elsewhere.

"Yet not once did you consider apologizing. Did you ever think the Miss may be waiting for an apology?" Alfred put down his tea cup.


"Do not Alfred me Master Wayne. Master Richard believed you could save your relationship but perhaps it is not about if you could rather if you wish to."

"Of course I do-"

Alfred dusted his suit, standing tall. "Then what of Miss Kyles?"


"Please excuse me. I have more important matters to attend to." Alfred passed his Master without a second glance.

"Are you calling my emotions insignificant of your time?" Bruce followed after him.

"You should ask yourself, Master Wayne. I'm certain you will find your answer," Alfred closed the elevator door as his words sunk into his Master's head. "You are the World's greatest detective. Are you not?"


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And Be Safe!

Thank you for reading. The next few chapters are extras (some things I was experimenting -characters for another story- with.)


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