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Time seems to fly as they face every new day. Bruce expanded Wayne Enterprises as Batman formed the Justice League, Dick formed the Young Justice League, Alfred took care of the family and manor, Jane continued to hate Bruce & Batman but love and cherish Dick while staying at the manor. She remained outside of their nightly activities but part of their family and close to their hearts. At this point, she practically was Mrs. Wayne.

It was a strange experience for Bruce. He had never had the woman he liked stay at the manor but avoid or ignore him but perform all the duties of being his wife (other than love him). He was happy though. Alfred found the perfect daughter-in-law and Dick, a mother. What was once meant to be a temporary arrangement became a permanent one. The most difficult part was avoiding the media but so far, they had succeeded with a few close calls.

Normal day at Wayne Manor:

"Good morning Alfred," Jane chirped happily hopping into the kitchen.

"Morning Miss Jane. I was thinking of pancakes and French toast for today's breakfast," Alfred began to pull out the ingredients.

"Sounds great. I'll make French toast. No one can beat your pancakes," she tied back her hair before washing her hands and joining Alfred. The two happily chatted as they made breakfast before Alfred went to wake Bruce and Jane went to get Dick.

"Good morning Master Bruce," Alfred pulled off Bruce's covers. Bruce acted like a child in the morning. Well he basically was a man child.

"Five more minutes Alfred," he groaned, hiding his face under his pillow. The butler only sighed, knowing his master all too well.

"In five minutes you will miss your chance to have breakfast with Miss Jane, providing her one more chance to taunt you. And lets not forget, she is going on a two day trip," Alfred walked out the room. Bruce immediately jumped out of bed, getting ready for the day. There was no way he would give her one more reason to taunt him.

"Rise and shine little birdy!" Jane opened the curtains, allowing the sunlight into the room.

"Hmmmm 5 more minutes," Dick mumbled. Jane places a kiss on the boy's forehead before heading to the door.

"Alfred made Pancakes," she quickly added before closing the door and heading downstairs. Dick jumped out of bed. He couldn't let Bruce get alllll the pancakes like last time! Alfred's pancakes were to die for.

Once everyone sat down at the dining table, Alfred and Jane served the dishes before taking their seats. Yes! Jane managed to convince Alfred to eat with the family!

"So are you ready for your trip?" Bruce attempted to start a conversation. Jane only sent him a glare.

"Richard, don't stay out too long with Batman while I'm gone. Remember -"

"I'm a growing boy unlike Batman. I know. I know. I won't," Dick nodded his head. Bruce still didn't clear the misunderstanding.

Jane put away her dishes before placing a quick kiss on Dick's forehead and giving Alfred a hug. She was just out the door when Bruce pulled her arm, pulling her into his chest.


"Take care," he placed a kiss on her forehead before running off to who knows where. Jane whipped her forehead, heading to her car.

Time Skip:

Jane's two day trip had turned into a two week trip. In her absence, things between Bruce and Dick got sour. Usually she would be here to make the two talk things through.

"I'm not a kid Bruce! I can handle myself!" Dick screamed at Bruce, making Bruce's frown bigger.

"Richard, you are not allowed on this mission. It's too dangerous."

"I'm the most experienced on the team! They need me!"

"Even more reason for you to stay behind. They need to learn -"

"I hate you Bruce!" Dick stormed out of the room. Bruce rubbed his temples, taking a seat on the couch.

"When did it become so hard to parent him?"


Looks like a storm is on it's way!

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