Partners in crime

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"Ttt Father, why was my presence necessary?" Bruce fixed Damian's tie, looking him in the eyes.

"You're a Wayne and this is a Wayne gala. I expect your best behavior," Bruce patted the boy's shoulder, offering him his hand. Damian glared at the hand, walking away.

"Sometimes I forget he's not Dick," Bruce muttered, following after his son. The ballroom buzzed with music and conversations. The room was colored with designer clothes and filled with expensive perfumes. Damian joined Jon, Kon and his brothers. Bruce entertained his boring guests, taking a break after an hour. He stepped out to the balcony, muttering curses as he stared at the scene in the garden.

"I demand an apology! Where is your mother?" A snobbish woman in a red dress yelled at Damian. The boy gave her a calculating look before pointing at a woman in a dark purple dress. "James dear, call that wench over!" James, a boy three or four years older than Damian, ran to the woman. The two had a mini conversation before they made their way out.

"Hello Ms ?" Jane offered her hand. The woman slapped it away. Damian glared daggers at her but kept quiet. He was more than excited for the upcoming show. "Have it your way. What can I do for you?"

"Your brat insulted not only my son but me. Have you taught him no manners? By the looks of you, it seems not -"

"The only one with no manners here is you. I don't see Damian or I screaming. Just you," Jane took a sip from the wine cup in her hands. She glanced at Damian's smirking figure before turning back to the woman. "I'll apologize for whatever he has done. Please excuse us," she turned to leave when the woman pulled her by her hair.

Jane without turning around, threw the contents of her cup in the woman's face. The woman instantly let go of her hair. "I may only have one arm but that doesn't mean I can't fight. Though I'm curious; What happened to your manners?"

"You have no idea who I am! I'll have you in a cell -"

"Oh my! What a threat," Jane mocked her. "Go ahead. I'll be out in less than an hour." It was a challenge. The woman growled before dropping to the ground and crying crocodile tears.

"My love! Are you alright?" A man in a red suit picked her up. "How dare you hurt my wife -"

"My apologies Mr. Mayor. I was not aware your wife was so fragile and dependent on you for support. Let us discuss this like adults," Jane pointed inside. "Go find your father Damian." Jane guided them to the living room. Bruce was already there with a scowl on his face.

"Mr. Wayne."

"Mr. Mayor." Bruce and Jane did not miss the flash of fear in his eyes or how his hand unconsciously went to his jaw. The corner of Bruce's mouth tugged upwards before going to the neutral position. It was good to know the Mayor remembered Bruce's punch.

"Your son and this wench-"

"Please refrain from calling names. We are adults here. Are we not?" Bruce held in his amusement at Jane's serious but mocking tone.

"Who do you think you are?" the woman raised her hand to slap her. To her dismay, it was stopped by Ms. Kyles.

"He's Bruce Wayne, all of Gotham and I believe his name is enough for an introduction." Selina pointed at Jane. "She is Jane LaRoss. If you have not heard of her in Gotham then you probably don't belong here." She pushed the woman away. "Damian was looking for you guys." She walked away.

"I'm glad we had this little moment Mr. Mayor."


"When I become Mayor, I'll make certain that I am not as pathetic and useless as you," the two glared at each other. "Cover me, I'm gonna punch him," she whispered to Bruce.

"No. Punch his wife. Remember what Dick taught you," Bruce whispered back as he looked towards the door. Before anyone could blink, Jane punched the living daylights out of Mrs. Mayor with her left hand.

"Jane!" the Mayor screamed as he picked up his unconscious wife. "How could you!"

"She had it coming."

"If the master and mistress are done, I suggest returning to the party. I'll take care of Mister Mayor and his wife." Alfred pushed the two out. "Sometimes I wonder who truly are the children."

"What happened to being against violence."

"You would know all about it Mr. Wayne."

"I never liked them but why?"

"I would never get another opportunity. I doubt he'll say anything to the media. After all, I have the one and only Bruce Wayne on my side."

"Partners in crime are we now?"

"Only this once."


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