Good Bye.....Mom💙

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"I'm sorry Mom. I'm so sorry. I didn't want any of this to happen," A son cried as he held his mother's warm yet lifeless hand. A son, a gang leader, who always put on the tough guy act cried for his mother. The mother lay unconscious on a hospital bed. The mother he put in danger. The mother he could not protect. He clung to her hand as if it would keep her grounded.

"Mr. Wayne Please wait," he heard the voices and the loud footsteps but he ignored them. He kept her hand in his.

"She's still under observation. You can't visit her yet."

"She's our mom, lady! If I were you I would move out of the way!" It was a teenage voice. Jason knew it belonged to the new Robin. Once again, he lowered his head in shame. How could he have wanted to kill an innocent teenager? How could he be so blinded by blood lust? He saw her eyes move a little. Maybe she was walking up?

"Miss please!"

"Mr. Wayne, you must understand. We can't let you see her right now."

"Then when?"

"After Mr. Gordon has had the chance to speak with her." Jason ignored the bickering that followed. He ran his hand through her hair as he reluctantly let go of her hand. "I'm going to find the bastard that did this to you. Don't you dare leave me." He looked at her pale figure, surviving on life support as he put on his helmet and jumped out the window. He was going to make them all pay!

Wayne Manor:

The Waynes ate dinner with little interest. How could they enjoy food when one - no two of their own were in the middle of a gang war. Yes. They knew Red Hood was Jason Todd. Yes, they knew he had Jane. They tried taking him out of his obnoxious plans of taking over the Gotham underworld but did he listen? NO!

"Can you breathe a little less loudly!" Tim glared at Dick who glared back. Bruce didn't bother intervening.

"Sorry. My nose is just a little out of place. And my throat? Oh yah. I almost got strangled to death!" Dick coughed as he struggled for air. His said nose began to bleed once again. Alfred rushed for the medical kit while Tim tried to help his brother refrain from touching his nose. Bruce continued eating. It would take more than a broken, bleeding nose to stop him from eating.

"Master Richard, I told you to not use your nose." Alfred rebandaged his nose. "And Master Tim, do be kind and wash your hands."

"I can't believe HE broke my nose!"

"It was your fault for being too nosy," Tim ran out of the room as Dick chased after him. Alfred smiled at the two boys. They didn't deserve any of this.




"Wayne Manor -" Alfred dropped the phone just as the boys returned to the room. Their smiles dropped as they saw the look of horror and devastation on their grandfather figures' faces. Bruce picked up the dropped phone, bringing it to his ear.

"This is Bruce Wayne," The boys couldn't hear the other side but they knew something terrible must have happened for Bruce to frown so deeply. "I understand. Thank you very much." He ended the call, turning to them. Dick noted the hesitation in his eyes as he clutched Tim's hand. "Jane's in critical condition. They don't if......if she's going to ......" Bruce couldn't finish his sentence as he rushed to get the keys.

"Masters, Ms. Jane is a strong woman. She'll pull through," Though it seemed Alfred was trying to assure himself more than anyone else.

"This is all Jason's fault! He brought OUR mom into a gang war!" Dick grumbled as he went to get his jacket. He was not going to go easy on Jason the next time they fought. The moment he entered his room, tears flowed down his cheeks. He had to be strong for Tim but he was so scared and angry. Angry at Jason. At himself for not being able to protect her. For not being able to take her back from Jason's captivity. He was angry for thinking that maybe, just maybe, Jason needed someone who loved him unconditionally. That he needed his mother.

Tim didn't know how to feel as he hacked into the hospital's database. His mother was shot near her heart at point blank range. Chances of survival were not looking good and even if she were able to survive, she would have long lasting heart effects. She wouldn't be able to do any physically exhausting activities and there was 78% chance she would never be able to use her right hand. That was if she survived. He didn't blame Jason. He didn't blame anyone. He was just feeling numb.

Bruce was beyond angry but he didn't have time to focus on that. He had to be there for Jane. For his boys. For Alfred. And just maybe Jason. He really wanted to believe Jason did not shoot his own mother at point blank range. If he did, that would shatter his whole world. His whole being. His little boy had to be somewhere in there?


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Be safe! 

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