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Little Damian was much stronger than he was given credit for. He left the only home he had known to stay with a father he did not know he had and a family that was anything but his. For the boy, his grandfather and mother meant the world. But he had to abandon them like a coward. He did not shed a single tear or beg his mother to stay.

His father was a man he came to respect and look up to yet he knew he could never be like him. He killed. He was an assassin. But he was the blood son, the most capable to take his father's place. Dick - Grayson, was too kind for the world. Damian could not understand how his father allowed him to live on his own. Grayson needed to be protected. The world was too evil for him. Damian would never admit it but he looked up to Grayson. The first boy wonder. Nightwing. Damian was not sure if his father would abandon him but he knew Grayson would always be there. He had to.

Maybe someone placed a spell on him. Why else would he be attached to such an idiotic person. Grayson trusted his life with his team. To a bunch of incapable teens! He could easily beat them all. Damian wanted to live up to whatever expectations Dick had. He - he liked - no loved when Dick was proud of him (and he was always proud but Damian didn't know that.)He almost called him brother! He really wished he would stay at the manor and leave his team. A bunch of nobodies. They didn't deserve him!

Then there were Drake and Todd. Damian was far superior to them by blood and skill. But his father didn't see that. He hated them but Grayson insists if he ever needed help, they would be the first to arrive. He would never need their assistance. Never.

"Master Damian?" Alfred brought the boy back to reality.

"What is it Pennyworth?" Damian respected Alfred more than anyone in this 'family'.

"I was informing you that I will be leaving the manor to run a few errands. Will you be alright alone?" What did Pennyworth think he was? He was the heir to the demon, the son of Batman. Being alone, in a manor - big, old, cold manor.............He was not afraid! Damian cursed Annabella. Alfred patiently waited for the boy. He was more than aware of the Young Master's fears.

"Perhaps you would like to assist me?"

"Very well Pennyworth. I shall assist you in your tasks." Alfred smirked in amusement. The boy was an open book. Damian was a curious little boy. How could he not be? He looked at all the buildings, all the Halloween decorations, the lights, the art, the children - he was amazed. A world he could never be part of. A skyscraper - without the Wayne logo caught his eyes. It was decorated with Halloween decorations, wind chimes, and the colorful curtains that demanded attention.

"That is Miss Jane's building. Perhaps the Master would like a tour?" Everyone wanted a tour of her building. It was beautiful. Damian wanted to but he would never accept that woman! He was curious. He wanted to see the interior, it must be much more beautiful than the exterior. Plus all those Halloween decorations. He wanted to explore this world but not if she was there.

"Tttt The building -"

"Did you not wish to investigate the Miss?" Alfred pointed to a group of teens arriving for a tour. He knew when to pull the strings.

"You are correct Pennyworth. I shall investigate her." Damian joined the group, taking a guest past. Alfred smirked in amusement. Like father, like son.

Damian was beyond amazed. The building was smaller than his father's but it was much more lively. Every wall was a different color, every corner had plants and the lighting was perfect. On every floor they had an animal water sculpture. There were ten floors and they had only seen two. First floor was for check-ins and information, second for colors, third for art and fourth for animals. The tour ended at the fourth floor but Damian wanted to see more. He knew there was a garden on the fifth and LaRoss' office was on the ninth. So he quietly slipped away from the group.

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