Broken 💙

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"Why don't you just kill me?" she was sobbing. How long has it been? Her captor just stared at her as he removed the bullet from his arm. For the past few days, they had been on a constant run. Constant sound of bullets. Screams. Blood. Death. She couldn't take it anymore. She was losing her sanity. "WHY?" He chuckled as he threw away the bloody bandages before slowly removing his mask. Making her look at his beautiful emerald eyes filled with blood lust.

"Why don't you tell me Jane?" he watched her eyes fill with realization as she backed into the wall.

"No! You're not my Jason! You're not!"

"I am YOUR Jason!" he pulled her hair to make her look at the monster he was. Or maybe he just wanted his mother to look at him. To stop screaming bloody murderer! He wanted the world to hurt like he did but it only hurt him more.

"No. Jason's dead," she cried. She refused to believe he was her son. He let go of her hair, laughing like a mad man.

"Yah. He's dead because you killed him and I am what you made me," he spit out the words like poison. He returned to patching himself up as Jane returned to her thoughts. He made plans to take down the rival gang and Batman while she silently studied him. That's how they spent their hours when they weren't moving. He got rid of the restraints seeing she wasn't trying to escape. It had been a while since they last spoke, so it surprised him when she took a seat in front of him.

"I'm sorry Jay. It''s not easy were dead and now you're here. I'm glad you're here even if here is not the most optimal place, time or way," he didn't bother looking at her. This was probably a trick to escape him.

"Why the 180?" He saw her face from the corner of his eye. It was the face she made when she was picking her words carefully. That only confirmed his suspicions. This was a trick to escape him but he wasn't stupid.

"I know I have not been the best mother but I want to try. I want to try to understand you and accept you for who you are." He put down his papers, looking into her eyes.

"And What Am I?" She was biting her lip. He knew she only bit her bottom lip when she had something to say but knew it wasn't the most appropriate time or place. "WHAT AM I JANE?" He screamed as he stood up, towering over her small figure. She shook with fear which made him even more angry. "TELL ME! WHAT AM I?"

"You're a killer! A monster okay? But you're also MY SON!" He was breathing hard, trying to control himself and she was backing away from him. "Jason, I don't know what you have been through but I want to try to understand but you have to let me in. Please." He walked past her. He knew if he stayed any longer, he would hurt her and that scared him. Of course after that he went on his killing spree. He was half way done with the petty criminals when someone decided to play hero.

"Killing them isn't going to solve whatever problems you have!" A tall, well built guy spoke from the shadows as he waved what looked like a gun around. Jason couldn't see his face in the dark but he knew he had a cocky grin on his face. "Mr. Killing machine."

"Why don't you step out and say that to my face?" The 'hero' stopped spinning his gun but didn't move from his place.

"Hate to disappoint but you have to do better than that to get ME to come to you Mr. Killing Machine." Jason wanted to shoot the guy in the head but at the same time not. Blame his curiosity but not just anyone decides to play 'hero' in front of a guy holding an AK 47. "Mr. Killing Machine, I do suggest you use your rather small head instead of the AK 47. Unless you can shoot your problem." With that he disappeared into the night. Guns could solve all problems, he wanted to argue but he couldn't shoot Jane. He wanted to pretend he was keeping her by his side to get back at his ex-family but it wasn't. He wanted someone by his side. His mother. He remembered how she would make all the nightmares go away. How she loved him. He wanted that. He knew it could never be the same but he did want her to run her hand through his hair as he slept. He did want her to stop shaking whenever he was around. To not be terrified of him.

He would never hurt her.


But he already did. 


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Be Safe and for those who have the long weekend, enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving! 

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