Answers 💙

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Bruce was beyond frustrated. Why could Jane not understand his feelings for her? Yes, he could be a jerk but she wasn't any better. He took in one deep breath to calm his nerves. "You know the first time I saw you, I felt my heart skip a beat -"

Jane rolled her eyes. He was using the most typical line. "Is that how you felt about Talia, Selina, Rachel -"

"Yes but you're different and I'm not the same man as back then. What I feel for you is real." Bruce cursed himself for being honest. Why couldn't he say he had never felt this way before? His feelings were real, if only she believed him.

Jane stared at Bruce for a second. The man may be many things but at least he was honest. But relationships do not work on momentary feelings. They need understanding, something Bruce and Jane lacked. "I don't doubt it Bruce but-"

"But you don't think we are meant to be." He knew she did not think they would last. This talk was a stupid idea. Why did he let Diana talk him into it?

"No. I don't think you are ready. What happened to Rachel wasn't your fault, Talia's version of love is of a kind and Selina and you......Catwoman and Batman....I'm not sure. You might be made for each other." Jane feared Bruce would cheat on her with Selina. They had something that no one but them understood.

Bruce groaned in annoyance. Why did he have to prove he was not with Selina? Was there such little trust between them? "We have had a complicated relationship but we're not -"

"I know but you will always go back to her. Personally, I do believe you two are great together but your relationship is toxic."

Bruce felt the urge to defend Selina. "She's not a bad woman."

"She's one of my closest friends, Bruce. I know she's not a bad woman but she's also not the best woman." She was Jane's first friend in Gotham and Jane trusted her with her life. But she still had eyes to see her actions for what they were.

Bruce knew where she was going with this. It was one of the reasons why they were not together anymore. "You're still mad about her seducing Dick?"

"You should be too." Though they were friends, Jane made it clear she would personally find a way to send Selina to Arkham if she ever did it again. It wasn't because of their age gap but for Dick's mental well being. She couldn't use him to make Bruce jealous.

Bruce tried to control his mouth but he couldn't help it. "You know Talia and Jason -"

"Stop. Don't bring Jason into this. Besides, I'm not only blaming her. Dick was just as involved." She did not want to talk about her sons' love life.

"You're being insecure and childish. Why won't you give me a chance?" Bruce lost his patience. He wanted an answer.

"That's exactly why!" Jane glared. She was angry. She agreed to have a discussion not to be belittled! "Yes Bruce I feel insecure and that is exactly why I don't want to be in a relationship with you. Your Bruce Wayne, famous playboy -"

"You know that's an act-"

"Really? Bruce, you continued to date while showing interest in me. If that's the way you show your feelings then I'm good. I rather not have my heart shattered into ten billion pieces."

"It was an act and you know it. Those women meant nothing!"

"Even if that was an act, you're still not someone I would go to for emotional support."

"We cou-"

"Can you promise to never go to Selina even if we fight? Even when things aren't looking great?"

It was a simple question. All he had to say was yes yet his mouth wouldn't move. He couldn't promise that.

"I thought so." Jane walked out the room. It hurt but she knew that would be his answer. He wasn't ready for a relationship with someone who wasn't able to protect herself.

They both knew he feared she would end up like Rachel but Catwoman was different. She could stand by Batman's side, not just Bruce's. And right now, that was what he needed.

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