First Impressions

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Life had become boring and repetitive for the big bad bat. Wake up, train, go to Wayne Enterprises, party, pretend to be a playboy, dress up as a bat, chase criminals and sleep then repeat. He was getting lonely and depressed. Was this all life had to offer?

Bruce was following his usual gala routine, observing to find his new prey for his playboy persona when his eyes landed on a woman, perhaps a year or two younger than him with curly black hair, and brown eyes. Her laugh was filled with more energy and ease than he was capable of handling. She made his heart skip a beat. Who was she? This was the first time he had seen her.

He grabbed a cup of champagne from a passing waiter, and made his way to her.

"Mr. Wayne," greeted her friend or maybe she was an acquaintance. He shook her hand before glancing at the one who had piqued his curiosity.

"Bruce Wayne," he gave his signature smile.

"Jane LaRoss" she offered her hand. Bruce felt electricity run through his veins as their fingers brushed. Her soft hand was so small and fragile compared to his blistered one . He was afraid he might break it with a little squeeze.

"Pleasure to meet you," he smiled, receiving one in return.

"Mr. Wayne is the CEO of Wayne Enterprises." Her friend glanced between them. " Please excuse me for a moment," her friend walked to greet someone else, giving them privacy. For the first time Bruce was unsure of how to start the conversation. He didn't want her to be a shallow gold digger but how could he know? Test her maybe?

"So are you free tonight?" He gave one of his best playboy smiles. She looked offended by his question, making Bruce realize maybe that wasn't the best question. It was best for a quick test but not if he wanted to start a real conversation.

"Yes, I am quite busy," she coldly responded.

"I didn't mean it that way," Bruce assured.

"I sure hope so."

"Anyways, I've never seen you at one of these parties before so what brings you here tonight? " he asked, once again not realizing how these words sounded coming out of his 'public' persona.

".....was that supposed to mean something? You -"

"Jane! Come here! I wanna introduce you to someone," her friend dragged her away, leaving a very pale Bruce behind. At least now he knew she wasn't shallow. She had self respect but was she a gold digger? Bruce subtly followed the two.

"Jane, meet Mr. Lex Luthor, CEO of Lex corp," her friend introduced. Bruce clenched his fits as he watched the two laugh and talk like they were best friends. Lex, noticing Bruce's glare, sent him a challenging smirk as he led Jane to the dance floor. The crowd parted to watch the two.

Lex and Jane danced one song together, receiving endless claps and praise. Bruce had to admit, the two were hard to look away from.

Bruce was more than jealous but this could also be his chance. As the crowd cheered and the two walked off stage, he rushed to Jane, pulling her back onto the dance floor. The crowd parted once more.

Jane snorted. "Ever heard of asking for a dance Mr. Wayne?" She placed one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand. With a good distance between them, he led them to the center.

"Do forgive Ms. LaRoss. I seem to have gotten too excited." Bruce too did not like how he had reacted. He was not one to act rashly on emotions. The night ended with their dance. "I hope to see you around Ms. LaRoss."

"Jane is just fine Mr. Wayne."

"Please call me Bruce."


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