Cherie Fawn

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"Father, I do not approve," Damian slammed the door in his father's face. He put in his air pods, heading to his room.

"Who was it lil D?" Dick called out but received no reply. He kicked Jason off the couch, pointing at the door. "Make yourself useful lil Wing." Jason threw his hardcover copy of 'Drag Along' at Dick's face before heading to the door. Muttering his incoherent curses, he slammed the door in Bruce's face.

"Well?" Dick opened up a bag of Doritos. Jason said nothing, grabbing his book and guns, heading up the stairs. "Who is it?" The ringing of the bell continued. Dick sighed, forcing himself up.

"God, you guys are so lazy!" Tim speed walked to the door, as Dick sat back down. Tim slammed the door with only one glance.

"Who the hell is it?" Dick pulled his hair.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Tim walked away. Dick glared at the ceiling before getting annoyed by the constant ringing of the door bell.

"Shut up! I'm coming." He opened the door wide for an angry Bruce and Cherie Fawn in his arms. Before he could shut the door, they were already inside. Dick covered his ears.

"You are all grounded! Come down here this instant!"

"I taught you to be better than this Master Wayne or perhaps that was my imagination," Alfred appeared out of nowhere.

"Alfred," Bruce greeted. "Why did you not open the door?"

"I do not welcome trash into this household Master Wayne," he walked away. Dick held in his laugh as Cherie glared at the butler.

"You should fire the old hag."

"Pennyworth is family. Watch your words whore." Dick quickly grabbed the knife out of Damian's hand. Tim and Jason held back their own remarks as they glared at Bruce. How could he allow such disrespect?

"Cherie will be staying here and I want you to show her the same respect as Jane -"

"Respect is earned, not given."

"Jason," Bruce warned. "Don't make this -"

"I'm leaving. You are not my father." Jason grabbed the keys to his bike, giving his brothers a wave before leaving to who knows where.

"I have to head back to Bludhaven." Dick hugged his two brothers before heading his own way.

"I - I'm staying at Conner's for the week," Bruce opened his mouth to protest but Tim was already out the door. Only Damian, Cherie and Bruce remained.

"Damian?" Bruce attempted to urge the boy to apologize for his words but Damian refused to back down.

"I have an 'outing' with LaRoss -"

"You're grounded. I'll let her know."

"Know what?" Jane interrupted. "Why is the front door wide open?" She observed the scene at hand before turning towards the door.

"Since you're here, why don't we all have dinner together?" Cherie laughed in her fake sweet voice. Damian wanted to stab the red head.

"I have better things to do."

"Like what? It's not like you're employed." Alfred glared at Cherie as he tried to remove Damian from the situation. The boy refused to move an inch. He did not know who to hate more, his father or Fawn.

"I have a net worth of 10 million dollars USD. I doubt I need someone to employ me." Damian smirked in satisfaction as Fawn stumbled over her words. LaRoss knew how to shut people up. Perhaps it was that which Damian liked about her.


"I refuse to be insulted by you or Mr. Wayne. I'll be waiting in the car for you Dami-"

"He's not coming. In fact, I think it is best if you refrained from approaching my children," Bruce cut her off. Both Alfred and Damian glared at him to stop his nonsense.

"Your Children? Since when did they become YOURS?"

"I adopted them -"

"I raised them by your side. You know what........I thought this was some sick joke but you actually filed a restraining order against me. I was being the bigger person -"

"Ms. LaRoss, I'm showing you kindness by allowing you to stand in my Manor. If I want, I could have you arrested for being near my children and manor."

"Keep your kindness to yourself. Goodbye Mr. Wayne." Jane threw court papers in his face. "If Miss Fawn ever dares to be in a 100 meter radius of my building, she will be facing charges and this time, not even you will be able to prevent it. See you in court." She walked away with her head held high. She refused to be disrespected.

"I understand her choice to be with Curry. You're a horrible lover and father." Damian and Alfred left the two to their own bidding.

"Pennyworth, why is father supporting someone who is clearly attempting to steal from LaRoss?"

"I wish I knew Master Damian." 


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I was working on another story where she is a character who is acting as an one dimensional person and Batman knows (he trying to get some information). The story goes into who shot Jane and what went down. Hopefully I get to posting it soon. 

-Anyways, Be Safe!

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