Another light

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"Hey! Get back here you piece of trash!"

"Hrmm," Jane angrily cleared her throat.

"My apologies you had to see that Ms. LaRoss," the woman gave a snobbish smile. Jane didn't even bother to spare her a glance. How could she? This woman had the audacity to speak like that to a child! Jane loved children whether they were rich or living on the streets.

"You're fired," Jane followed the child, ignoring the woman's excuses and apologies. The boy was most likely three or four years younger than Dick. From the look of his red hoodie and blue jeans, he most likely lived on the streets. Jane didn't know why but it was like a force was pulling her to the boy. Soon she had the boy cornered in an alley but she wouldn't try to capture him. She only wanted to talk.

"There's not even that much in the wallet," the boy huffed, throwing the wallet at her. Jane easily caught the wallet, maintaining a safe distance from the boy. Not because she was afraid of him but to make him comfortable.

"You don't say. I'm Jane," she gave him her motherly smile. He only stared at her suspiciously. It was not everyday a high class woman introduced herself to someone like him.

"Jason," he whispered. Something about her made him want to trust her. It made him feel safe. A feeling very rare for him. The two stood in the alley awkwardly, not sure what to do next. He could leave but he didn't want to. He wanted to see what she would do next. Jane, on the other hand, didn't want to let the boy roam around the streets of Gotham all alone.

"Do you have a place to stay? A family?" The boy glared at the ground. He hated that question. The one question that hurt the most. He could lie to her but he was sure she already knew. He didn't need her pity.

"No I don't and I don't need your pity. I don't need you to offer me some money or to take me to an orphanage or whatever. I can take care of myself just fine!" he crossed his arms.

"I wasn't going to. How about we go for a cup of hot chocolate?" she once again gave him a motherly smile. Maybe it was the smile that made him want to trust her but he knew better.

"And why should I trust you?" She only pointed to a cafe across the alley.

"I'll lead the way and go inside to bring our drinks. Then we can sit outside and enjoy our drinks. It's up to you." She slowly made her way to the cafe, not glancing back even once.


Time skip brought to you by Alfred Pennyworth


The two sat on a bench in the park, staring into the darkness. Even though they were engulfed by darkness, they could feel the light. A light from each other. Jason showed Jane the innocence and determination Gotham had and Jane showed him the kindness and acceptance Gotham had to offer. The two never believed in faith but it felt as if faith wanted them to meet.

"Why are you so nice to someone like me?" Jason finally broke the comfortable silence.

"What do you mean by someone like you? Aren't we all human?" she joked.

"Very funny. Most people don't even spare me a second glance, let alone spend time getting to know me."

"I guess we're not 'most people'. You're Jason and I'm Jane. Two weirdos in a weird world." Jason couldn't see the smile on her face and neither could she see his. He liked that answer and really wanted to believe it.

"I guess we are. Thanks for ....for all of this." It was a genuine thank you not his usual cocky one.

"Why do you make it seem like a goodbye?" Something in his heart tugged at him to tell her it was not but that would be a lie.

"Gotham is a big place. We probably won't meet again," he shrugged. It was true.

"Jay bird, the world's a small place and if you ever need me, you can always call," she hugged him, handing him a piece of paper with her number. He clenched the paper in his hand.

"......I gotta go." The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted to call her mom. He didn't even know her that well yet he was already seeing her as a mother figure and he wanted anything but that. He shook his head trying to get rid of the thoughts before jumping to his feet.

"Be safe. If you're ever in trouble just call or give them my name, Jane LaRoss and if that doesn't work, try Bruce Wayne," she yelled from behind. Jane LaRoss. A name he wouldn't forget.

He only smiled at her before running into the darkness. He knew this would be their last encounter. He would never forget her kindness or the time they spent together but they belonged to different worlds. Two worlds that could never mix.

Jane didn't want to believe this was their first and last encounter. She only hoped he would give her a call but there was nothing more she could do. The boy gave her the same motherly feeling that she got when she first met Dick. Yes, she loved kids but it was rare for her to develop a motherly bond so quickly. She only hoped to see him again. 


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