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Have you ever fallen so low that you do not know how to get up? Or have you never fallen so you do not know how to get up?

Jane threw the pen across the room in frustration. Right arm. She lost her right arm! God she was so angry and useless. That was all she felt yet she could not show it to anyone but herself. All their pity couldn't save a drowning dog! She glared at the papers on her desk before allowing them to join the pen's fate.

Useless Right hand

Pathetic left hand

She couldn't sign her own name! How much more pathetic could she get? But this was her own fault. Always so trusting. Why didn't you move out of the bullet's way? Not that it would have done any good.



"Dinner is ready Miss Jane," Alfred informed. Using a sleeve, she wiped off her tears and pulled on a fake smile.

"Coming!" She thanked Alfred a billion times for the custom made clothes. At least she could still dress herself. With the help of the walls and railings, she made it to the dining room. She would help Alfred but at the moment, there wasn't much she could do. Adding on the list of things she no longer had the ability to do.

Tim and Dick took their seats. Bruce was away for a Wayne Enterprise's meeting.

"I made your favorite soup Miss Jane," Alfred offered her but she didn't accept. No point in taking something she could not eat. Why did she have to be right handed? Why not left?

"We could help -"

"I don't need you to feed me Richard. I'm not a baby," She cut in. Much colder than intended. Dick's smile feel as he awkwardly looked at his plate

"Mom .... he was trying to help. You -"

"I don't need any of your pity, okay? I'm trying so please Tim just leave me alone -"

"If I lost my arm, would you have left me alone?"

"Of course not. You are my kids -"

"Then let us help you," the two boys finished. Alfred handed them the soup which they happily helped their mother with. Though she wasn't happy. She felt their love and care but also her own uselessness. She had to become left handed. Had to work harder. She couldn't be a burden and neither could she continue staying at Wayne Manor. Everyone went their own ways after dinner.

Jane continued to practice using her left hand with little luck. Due to her lack of involvement, she was fired from her position as Minister of Education. Like it was her fault for getting kidnapped or getting shot!

The Down with Batman movement she herself ended. No point in saying one thing but doing another. living above his roof.

Her life was a complete mess.

At least she had all the time in the world to recover.

And catch up on all the episodes of Netflix she missed.

Binge watching Netflix sounded like a plan.

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Be safe! 

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