Reasons to hate me

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3rd person:

Over the next six months, Jane began to frequently come over to Wayne manor. Not for Bruce but for Dick. They formed a mother and son bond. A bond that could never replace Dick's biological mother but still provide the care and love of a mother. Bruce on the other hand, made it to the friend zone. Or maybe the acquaintance zone.

Back to Bruce:

"I have tried everything!" Bruce groaned, pulling his hair. How could a female not like him? She must not be normal. Yes, that must be it! Maybe she's an alien or maybe she's being mind controlled or something! How could someone not be fazed by Bruce Wayne's charisma?

"Master Bruce, I suggest you wash that thought out of your mind. Ms. LaRoss is most certainly not any of the things you just thought," Alfred sighed. Is Alfred a mind reader? He could be an alien too! "Please get some sleep master Bruce. You clearly need it," he walked away, giving him one last glance of disapproval.

"Bruceeeee," Dick somersaulted into the cave. "I'm going to be sleeping at Jane's tonight. She's going to pick me up," he happily jumped around.

"Dick....Why does she not like me?" Bruce asked his ward. Dick must know something Bruce didn't. He got close to her in less than one day.

"Uhhhhh, I think she thinks that you're a playboy if you mean in a romantic way. In terms of friends, I think that's just you being an idiot. No offense. Like your last week's date spilled a blueberry smoothie on her head while she was having lunch with us. Oh and there was that time when your ex interrupted our dinner at the manor and spilled wine on her dress. Then there was that time when you went to get the car from the parking lot but never came back and we were waiting for you in the pouring rain. Then the time when you insulted her father in public may I add. Oh and that one time when you made fun of her whole family at her own birthday party in front of the media and lets not forget when she - "

"Okay I get it!" Bruce cut the boy off. So maybe there were things he could have done better.

"That's only as Bruce Wayne. The list for Batman is another topic! She hates Batman with a dying passion," Dick exaggerated or did he? After all the idiotic things Batman did, it would be no surprise. How could he be hated in both his personas? Maybe an apology could fix this. No, he already tried that and it was......


3rd person:

Jane was dressed in a beautiful gold and white dress, Bruce in his usual suit. They were at Atlantic Kitchen, a fancy restaurant Bruce had personally selected.

"Thank you for agreeing to -"

"Yah yah. I'm only here because of Dick and Alfred," Jane cut Bruce off. She began to pull out her chair but Bruce stopped her. How could he let such a beautiful lady pull the chair for herself?

"Allow me," he gave her his signature smile. She only sighed but went along. Just as Jane was taking a seat, Bruce spotted Oliver. In his moment of distraction, he pulled the chair too far. Jane fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"What. The. Hell. Bruce?" she growled. Bruce didn't know what to say. This was supposed to be his time to make a good impression.

"I'm so sorry," he offered his hand but she shoved it away, glaring daggers at him before taking the chair and having a seat. Bruce quickly took his seat, not wanting any more accidents on his part.

"Uh.. so let's order!" he broke the awkward silence. Their waitress soon arrived.

"What can I..... Bruce?" the waitress asked. Upon hearing his name, Bruce glanced at her, quickly realizing that was his date from last night. He searched his mind for her name. "You move on real quick," she frowned.

"You know each other?" Jane interrupted. The waitress gave a wild grin.

"Yes, we do. I was in his bed last night. Guess it's your turn today," she chuckled. Jane was beyond pissed but for different reasons. Most of which involved previous encounters with Bruce's exes.

"I don't think so. We'll take today's special," she coldly ordered, not even glancing at the menu. The waitress glared back but went to get their order.

"Uh how was your day?" Bruce tried to start a conversation.

"It was okay. I mostly dealt with rebuilding schools due to Joker's not so funny joke. We have cut down on some of the curriculum because of these frequent incidents which always lead to a few days off. We are considering online schooling for those days," she sighed.

"Do my eyes deceive me or is that truly the Bruce Wayne," interrupted a blond haired man. Bruce let out a frustrated sigh.

"Oliver, I'm in the middle of something," Bruce spoke through his grunted teeth.

"That is no way to greet a friend," he not so whispered into Bruce's ear. Jane was glad it wasn't one of his exes until Oliver placed a hand on Bruce's chest. "I'm hurt Bruccie," he pouted, stroking Bruce's cheek. Bruce was too shocked by the sudden change of events to do anything and Jane felt very out of place. "Babe, You never have time for me anymore," Oliver complained, taking a seat on Bruce's lap. Oliver was only a breath away from Bruce.

Jane loudly cleared her throat.

"Oh, my apologies. I'm Oliver Queen, uh Bruce's ...'Special Friend' ," he smiled, wrapping his arms around Bruce's neck. Before Jane could reply, the waitress returned with their food, only to be shocked by their sight. She quickly placed the food down before running off to who knows where. Oliver took a fork and began feeding Bruce who refused to open his mouth.

"Oh, Look at the time. I better get going," Oliver placed a quick peck on Bruce's cheek before getting up. Instead of leaving like a normal person, he picked up a glass of wine, slowly spilling its content onto Jane's hair. "Ops," he smirked. Jane was shocked. Just shocked.

"It's not what it looks like. He's trying to get back at me for -"

"I don't want your shitty excuses Bruce. Having women spill their drinks on me was one thing but now men too? I don't really care about your personal life but I do care for Dick and honestly, if it weren't for the fact that Dick loves you, I would have called child services to investigate you," she huffed before placing $500 on to the table.

"You don't have your car here. At least let me drive you home," Bruce begged, while thinking of a million ways to kill Oliver. She sighed but agreed.

Bruce went to get the car but saw Scarecrow and his goons heading down the street, carrying what he could only guess were fear gas containers. Jane would have to wait.

Time Skip:

Bruce never came back with the car. Jane was beyond pissed. She could have taken a bus, a taxi or an uber but she was too angry. She needed to cool down so she walked. She was walking down the streets of Gotham with no care in the world. What could go wrong? Roads were still wet from the rain that poured only two hours ago. Everything was peaceful until the Batmobile came roaring down the street at the speed of lightning. Before she could even react, she was covered in muddy rain water thanks to the one and only Batman! What a great night!

"F### you Batman!" she screamed on the top of her lungs. Batman on the other hand, banged his head on the steering wheel. Why? Just why did it have to be her?

End of flask back:

Maybe an apology dinner wasn't the best idea.

Me: "I loved this chapter!"

Jane: "Not me!"

Bruce: --

Jane: "Shut up Bruce!"

Oliver: "Burned!"

Bruce: "Your dead when I get my hands on you!"

Alfred: "Master Bruce, Put down the batarang !"

Dick: "Remember to like and comment!" 

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