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The wind rushed through the rose garden, into the empty, dark halls of the manor. Until it found its way out. Not a soul to be heard. The front door creaked open, loud footsteps followed by light heels moved towards the living room. The lights flickered on as loud howling shattered the peace. The footsteps quickened in the direction of the one room lit by a screen.

The four boys huddled closer as the door handle shook followed by loud banging. They clutched their blanket, not daring to move. The banging became angry and more demanding yet the boys merely held each other closer. The two at the opposite ends, shielding the younger boys in the middle. Protecting them from the intruder breaking through their door. The door collapsed to the ground, loud huffs heading their ways. They hid inside their blanket. There was silence until their only protection was pulled off of them. The boys did not dare open their eyes.



"I suggest you open your eyes young Masters."

Slowly but surely the boys opened their eyes. In front of them stood a red, wet and shaking Bruce Wayne. Jane with her blue - now half brown dress, mascara dripping from her eyes, hair in a tangled mess, with one broken heel and a knife in hand. Alfred looked as composed as ever.

"We RAN all the way here bec -"

"THIS was an emergency -"

"Damian was crying and I was -"

Bruce and Jane continued to speak over each other as the boys returned to their senses. Jane fell to the ground with a huff as Tim tackled her to the ground. Damian without hesitation joined them while Jason dragged Alfred into the hug and Dick forced Bruce.

"This is sweet and all but YOU fight crime every night!" Jane bitterly laughed, looking at the screen. A Horror movie. "I'm making one hell of a story tomorrow."

"The manor is HAUNTED!" Tim argued. The three adults attempted to push the boys off yet they did not move an inch. Two attempted, Bruce was savoring this moment. Pretending to struggle as he enjoyed a willful hug from all four of his kids. Cassandra, standing up from her own sofa, jumped into the group hug.

"Ah! Say cheese!" Barbara took a picture, stepping out of the shadows followed by Steph, Duke, Roy, Wally, and Artemis.

"We totally got you!" Wally high fived Roy. The boys came to a silent agreement, taking out their birdarangs as they chased after their so-called friends.

"I can't believe you made us think the manor was haunted!"

"You were scared of the movie, not me!"

"You're so dead Roy!"

"Sure mama's boy!"

"Shut up Brown!"

"Do you need your mommy and daddy for that booboo Dickie?"

The manner filled with shattering and screaming as the adults huffed.

"YOU BETTER CLEAN THAT UP!" Jane screamed on top of her lungs, already knowing the mess that was coming. "Stupid prank!"

"I punched the Mayor for this," Bruce covered his face as he imagined tomorrow's headlines.

"I never liked him," Jane laughed. Maybe Bruce's act would make people forget her little -

"If we are discussing punching people we never liked then I too never liked Ms. Vale," Alfred smirked as he pulled up a picture of Jane punching Vicki Vale on the red carpet minutes ago.


"SO did You-"

Alfred walked out the room leaving the two adult children to 'discuss' their differences. Just a typical night at Wayne manor. 


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