Voicemail Therapy

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161 calls Jane

153 calls Bruce

115 calls Dick

157 calls Alfred

_58_ voice messages

"Hello Jay, It's me. Jane. I don't know if you can hear me.......but I want you to know that I'm so sorry for breaking your heart. I'm sorry Jay but I don't want you to find your biological mother. Call me selfish if you must but you don't need her. You have us. Your Family. ....... I love you Jay. Please come back home."

"Greetings Master Jason. I understand you must find your answers but you do not have to do it alone. Please do be careful and come home safe and sound."

"Jaylad, Please don't do anything reckless. I'm on my way."

"Hey Jay Jay. Umm so you didn't show up to our date? I mean yah maybe you were busy but you could at least have sent a message. ..... Do you still want to go out?"

"Hello Jay. It's me, Jane. I know you will never hear this but I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that I couldn't give you the love that you needed. I couldn't be the mother you needed. I'm sorry I didn't attend your funeral but I just couldn't bring myself to ........ I love you and there's not a day that I don't miss you. I hope no matter where you are......you're happy. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

"Hey Jaybird. I miss you. I'm so scared without you. Ever since you........Bruce doesn't come out of his room, Jane doesn't smile, Alfred cries when he thinks no one is watching and I don't know what to do. ..... I'm sorry Jay. I'm sorry I can't stop our family from falling apart....."

"Hey Jay. It's been a while. Bruce has your number reserved so no one can have it. .......I haven't....I haven't seen them for a while now and I don't think I'm going to be seeing them any time soon. But I'm doing good. I met a man. Cliché right? Anyways, Happy Birthday. Miss you."

"Yo Jay! When you coming back from your trip to - where was it again- oh yah! Europe? Man you Waynes sure take vacations to a wholee new level. We still have to do our presentation!"

"Hey Jason. The others were leaving you messages to ..... deal with everything so I decided to give it a try. Being batgirl without Robin is really weird.....I...I miss you. You were wonderful and no one can replace you. I wish we never had that fight before you left. I wish I could take back every word but I can't. I just want you to know that I never meant any of it. I was just angry and caught up in the moment. I'm gonna miss you but I know you're in a better place now. Goodbye Jason."

"Hey Jay. I decided to be my own hero. The name's Nightwing. ...... I miss you....I miss our family. Jane hasn't spoken to any of us. Bruce is .....No he isn't the Bruce we know anymore. Alfred is doing his best. I'm doing better...."

"Master - no Jason, I raised Bruce like my very own son and you as my grandson....... This...This is the day I feared but with a heavy heart I wish you goodbye. May you find the peace and happiness that I wish I could give you. Rest well ......grandson."

"Hey Jaybird. So I moved to Bludhaven. I couldn't take it anymore but I go back occasionally. And.....well Bruce is doing better but .... I feel so selfish for not being happy for him but I just don't know what to do. He has a new Robin. The boy's extraordinary but I can't help but see you when I see him in that costume.......Yah. Selfish right."

"Hey Todd. This is Roy. I didn't know you that well but I'm still sorry for what happened. Anyways, I don't really have anyone to talk to right now and somehow your number was in my contacts. I did some really stupid shit and now I don't know how to get out of it. Can't ask Olie for help cause Fu##ed up our relationship. Not Dick or Wally. They're too good for this world, you know. I'm a mess man and I don't know a shit about getting myself together. .....From what Dick says about you, We would have made really good friends. Take care man. Wherever you are."

"I'm sorry Jaylad. I failed you. I should have never let you go alone. I wish I could change the past but I can't. I never wanted to make Timothy Robin but he has earned it. The boy might even out match me one day. He's helping me be a better man. I won't fail him like I failed you. That's a promise."

"Hey Jay. I talked to Tim and we made a brotherly bond. It's different from ours but it's filled with just as much love. Anyways, Star and I are dating. Finally! .....Less about me and more about you. Happy belated Birthday, little wing."

Jason listened to every voicemail, read every message as he tried to make sense of his world. He was dead but now he was alive. He clenched the bed rails to hold himself back. His bloodlust eyes glared daggers at the phone that was so close yet so far out of his reach. Those messages were just a bunch of empty words. They were using his death as a sad excuse to pour out all their sad life stories.

"There there my little bird. You were always just a means of making themselves feel better. You always knew that didn't you?" a seductive yet calming voice assured him. Ever since he returned, there was something different. Something darker that not even he could understand. All he wanted was blood, revenge, and pain.

He died.

Joker was still alive.

Bruce has a new Robin.

Jane left using him as an excuse.

Dick had a new brother.

Alfred didn't want him anymore.

He lost his friends.

Barbara pushing off her guilt.

Roy was desperate.

His family was no more.

Jane had a new man.

Dick became Nightwing.

He was replaced.

He was - is alive.


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