20 feet

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"Don't you dare......"

"Ttt You can't stop me."

"I'll call your father."

"Father is on a business trip."

"I was referring to Grayson." Damian weighed his options. He could run from LaRoss but then she would call Grayson. He did not want to disappoint Grayson. He glared down at LaRoss who pointed at Grayson's number on her screen. Damian took in one sharp breath.

"Ttt fine you can have baby claws but only because I feel pity for you." She lowered her phone, sighing in relief before looking back up at him.

"Get down from there."

"Do not order me!" He agreed to return her puppy however he could stand on the 20 feet tall wall as long as he desired. Jane pointed at her phone screen once again. Damian growled in response. If Grayson found out, he would not be happy. He would baby Damian for the rest of the year. Not that he would mind.

"Oh my Lord! How can you torture a young boy to get back at his father!" Cherie screamed on the top of her lungs.

"Wench! Do not interfere in our business!" The redhead annoyed Damian to no end. He was considering calling his mother. Talia would have her head in less than a second but then LaRoss would be the prime suspect for the murder.

"Language Damian!" How could she tell him to watch his language at this point? "And Ms. Fawn, have I not made myself clear enough? This is private property."

"How could you manipulate the poor child!" Fawn continued to attract unwanted attention. Damian did not understand the fuzz. So what if he was on top of a 20 feet wall?

"Is that Damian Wayne?" "Yah I think so." "How did he get up there?" "Did you see Jane threaten him?" "I heard her say she'll call his father." The whispers got louder by the second. People began recording the scene, making up their own stories. Damian for a fact knew his brother would be getting a call as he saw the police arrive.

"Miss LaRoss step away from the boy. Put your hands where we can see them. "

"Get away from her. If anything, I dognapped baby claws," Damian wanted to jump down but then they would suspect him. The officers did not even bother to glance at him.

"Don't worry son. The fire fighters should be here any moment, along with your guardian."

"Take care of baby claws!" Jane yelled as she was taken to the police car.


"Grayson, take the rest of the day off," his chief ordered. Dick was confused. He had so many cases to take care of, not to mention yesterday was his day off.

"May I ask why sir?"

"Have you not watched the news?" he turned on the T.V. Dick dropped the donut in his hand as he watched Damian on a 20 feet wall and Jane be taken into custody. "Your family needs you son -" He grabbed his keys and ran out the door.

"Hey Alfred. Is Damian alright and has anyone bailed Jane out yet?"

Extra 2:

"Gotham is so wild man!" Bart laughed as Tim entered the room. "You gotta see this Tim!"

"Did Joker break out of Arkham again? or was it Poison Ivy?"

"I think you should go home Timmy," Conner grabbed the coffee cup out of his hands.

"Why -"

"Your brother was standing on a 20 feet wall and your mom got arrested -" Tim grabbed his things and made his way back to Gotham. Why could they not have one normal day? Just one.

Extra 3:

Jason watched the news with little interest until Damian and Jane became involved. Damian was not the easiest kid to handle but knowing Jane, he was sure everything would be fine. Probably. But just in case, he could give her a visit.

Maybe beat up some cops.....


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Anyways, Be safe!

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