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Alfred, Bruce and the boys rushed into the hospital. From the looks on their faces, no one stopped them. If anything, they pointed them towards the ICU. It took them less than a second to reach the room but they were stopped by the nurses. The Waynes ignored everything as they tried to push through them and they would have been successful if Arthur and Clark had not stepped in between.

"Bruce, calm down. Let the doctors do their job," Clark held Bruce against the wall. Though he was sure, Bruce would pull out Kryptonite any moment. "You all need to calm down."

"Why is he here?" Tim pointed at Aquaman or Arthur. Perhaps it was that question that calms everyone down. Clark slowly let go of Bruce and the said man glared at him, more at Arthur than him.

"Why are you here?" Bruce was beyond pissed. Clark? Yes, he could be in Gotham. Be here with his family at a time like this but Arthur? He was an uninvited guest. Someone Bruce did not want to show his weaknesses to.

"He's here because he was listed as one of Miss LaRoss' emergency contacts," A red haired man in a doctor's coat answered. Bruce clenched his fits, noticing his boys were not shocked by the sudden turn of events. If anything, they were avoiding his eyes. Clark too looked anywhere but at him.

"We would like to see her," Dick stressed. The doctor wore a bored expression which only fueled their anger. The doctor looked at all of them and then back at the door.

"You can't see her yet, not until Mr. Gordon has talked to her and if you're lucky maybe you can see her before she dies, " he shrugged with a cocky grin. Bruce wanted to punch the man but Dick beat him to it. The sound of the man's jaw shattering, sent a smile to everyone's face. "Security!" He fell to the ground with a thud, trying to not choke on his own blood. Gordon was already at the scene. He shook his head both at the doctor and at Dick. Less than a second later, the doctor was taken for treatment while Dick was handcuffed.

"I'm sorry Mr. Wayne -"

"Just take me to the station already," Dick cut Gordon off. "I should have punched him harder. Say hi to mom for me," he added as he was dragged away.

"I'll go after him," Wally waved. Where did he come from? He was a speedster and Dick's best friend. Perfect combination for him to show up anywhere and anytime. No one batted an eye.

"Right so when can we see Jane?" Arthur pointed at a nurse.

"The- the doctor will let you know. This way," she gestured for them to follow. After a few silent glances and conversations between the heroes, Arthur and Bruce followed behind while Alfred, Clark and Tim stayed back.

"How long?" Bruce whispered in his Batman voice.

"I- since his death." Bruce glared at Arthur who dared not turn his head.

"This isn't over."

"I know."

When they finally reached the doctor's door, they were met with Gordon. He didn't say anything, opening the door for the two men. They all took a seat across from the doctor.

"The bullet was shot at point blank range, piercing through the left atrium. Her atrioventricular valves were damaged from the impact. The shock and pressure of the bullet caused neurogenic shock. It is a miracle she is still alive but she will not be able to use her right arm and her heart condition will be permanent." The doctor handed them a blue file. Gordon looked through the file as Arthur and Bruce stared at the doctor.

"Could we not find a different neural pathway that would allow the very minimal function of her right arm? As for her heart, from what I understand, there is a hole in the left atrium. Could that not be fixed through surgery? Could we not get a heart transplant?" Bruce rubbed his chin. The doctor's face lit up in shock before returning to neutral. Not many were aware of Bruce's medical knowledge.

"Well yes we could try to find another pathways but that could take years -"

"But it's possible?" Arthur cut him off.


"And her heart?" Gordon chimed in. The sweat on the doctor's forehead did not go unnoticed by the three men, especially the two detectives.

"We could try but it would be too risky. Especially because of her inherited heart conditions." Heart conditions? Bruce was not aware she had any. With a side look, he knew neither was Arthur. How little did they know of her?

"We are keeping her under observation for the next twenty four hours."


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