Made the news once again!

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"Oliver!" Bruce screamed into the phone

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"Oliver!" Bruce screamed into the phone. He was going to kill him! Bruce has been in the news for a lot of things but never for this! Not that he cared but his chances with Jane were getting smaller and smaller.

"Relax Bruce! I was just messing with you."

"Messing? Messing? You ruined my date! Not to mention now she probably thinks I set this all up!"

"Oh look at that! I see Slade calling me! Bye!" he cut the phone.

"Just you wait till I get my hands on you!!" Bruce muttered.

Me: "Nice newspaper!"

Bruce: "You did this on purpose!"

Me: "oh look at that! I see Talia calling me! Bye!"

Dick: "Remember to like and comment!"

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