Joker 2!

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Ding Dong

Who would visit me so late? I cautiously made my way to the door, grabbing a kitchen knife on the way. I peeked through the peephole but to my confusion, there was no one there. Could it be one of the neighbors' children playing pranks? It was possible but my gut was telling me to run. I silently made my way away from the door, before running to my phone.


"Hello dear! Why don't yah put that phone down?" A voice cackled. My body froze from fear, with shaky hands I tried to dial the police but ultimately failed as my phone fell out of my hands. It was like time moved in slow motion. Joker's goons ran to grab me but before they could even lay a hand on me, Robin came crashing through the window.

"Joker!" Robin hissed, standing between us. How could I just stand in fear as I watched my little bird attempt to fight the goons? I ran to my cabinet, quickly taking out my gun. I was not one for violence but no one hits my child!

"Duck!" I screamed as I aimed for the henchmen behind Robin. Robin dived down as the bullet went through the goons head. Robin was shocked but he quickly went back to the fight. I aimed for the one who came running to grab me. He went down with a thud. I didn't have enough bullets for all of them and neither could we physically take them down. We needed to take out the Joker. I aimed for his head but he dodged the bullet with a creepy smirk.

He dodged two more bullets. "You deary are more exciting than I thought!" he cackled. I was focused on taking down the Joker until I heard Robin scream in pain. He was on the ground, holding his bleeding head. I didn't think twice before shooting the one holding the broken vase in his hands or the one about to kick him in the stomach. I was so furious that I failed to notice Joker creeping behind me until he hit me with his crowbar. I tried to get up but Joker was faster. He strikes me again and again, making sure I was conscious but in pain.

"Go grab the car boys! Get rid of the bodies. Oh and bring the bird!" he pointed to Robin. One of the goons dragged me to my little bird who was knocked unconscious. I took off my blazer, using it to stop his bleeding as I brought his head into my laps. I could try to fight my way out but I could never escape with an unconscious Robin. Leaving him was out of the question.

"Robin! Robin!" It was silent but I was sure I heard someone call his name. Maybe Robin had a way to contact Batman! As much as I hated the man, he was our only hope. The GDP was basically useless without him. It didn't take me long to find the com but the problem was responding without being noticed. I subtly took Robin's com into my hands, pretending I was crying, I brought it near my mouth. Before I could get a word out, Joker came back. Giving me a devilish smile, he grabbed Robin. No longer carrying about stealth I screamed into the com.

"Bat --- Batman Help!" I could hear him on the other side but couldn't make out his words. Joker raised his crowbar hitting me in the head. The pain was unbearable but I still had to inform Batman. It took everything in me to utter the words, "B..B...Jo..." as I slowly lost consciousness.

Time skip brought to you by the Henchman number one!

I groaned in pain as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. My head felt like someone lit fireworks inside of it. Soon the ringing in my ears cleared allowing me to hear the quiet sobs coming from behind me. I slowly turned to see my little bird hugging his knees.

"Hey Robin, everything's going to be alright," I hugged his tiny figure, rocking back and forth. Joker was going to pay for this! "Shhh Batman will save us," I tried to assure the boy with no luck. Where even are we? I looked around the room until my eyes landed on a poster. Not just any poster but a flying Grayson poster. It didn't take a genius to guess we were at the circus. The child in my laps was not Robin but Dick, mourning his parents' death. "Everything's going to be alright Dick," I whispered into his ears, he hugged me closer.

"Well ain't that cute? Batsy's little brat is missing him?" Joker mocked, stepping inside the room. "I know what'll make ya better! Some quality time with uncle J!" He tried to grab Dick out of my arms but Dick clung on to me as I clung on to him. There was no way I would let Joker have him alone! After a few minutes of struggle, he grumbled some incoherent phrases. "Fine, have it your way!" He raised his crowbar. I wrapped my body around Dick's, making sure he would not be injured. I bit my tongue to hold my screams as he hit me over and over again. He won't get the satisfaction of hearing my screams!

"Boss!" One of his goons interrupted. My head felt fuzzy, everything felt wet but I felt no pain.

"Are you alright di...." everything turned black.

A/N: Like and comment!

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