Living with regrets

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The Titans had one of the best weeks with Jane around. And that was not only because of the food. She wasn't their mother but that didn't mean she didn't treat them as her children. Robin too was glad she came. They would all miss her dearly.

Time for goodbyes:

The titans waited in the living room for Robin and Miss mom to say their goodbyes while the two had their personal farewell.

" I know Richard, you don't want to see Bruce but please baby. It's -" Y/N brushed the boy's hair only to have her hand smacked away. She didn't mind. She knew she was hurting him by asking such a thing but avoidance was never the answer. Something she learned from her own experiences.

"I thought you came here to spend time with me, not try to bring me back HIM." Robin was beyond hurt. He was no longer sure about his time with Jane. Was that all an act to get him to come back?

Jane sighed, trying to explain herself. "Richard I'm not ..... I'm not here for him. I came here on my own free will and I'm asking you to come with my own free will. Just for a visit. He's not the only person in Gotham who cares about you! Maybe you forgot but there's Alfred, Barbara, Wally, Me -"

"Jane Please. Just leave!" Robin couldn't bear to hear anymore. She was trying to defend Batman. The man who never treated him like his partner. The man who always looked down upon him.

Jane wanted nothing more than to explain to the boy the importance of communication. Something Bruce lacked. She didn't want the boy to end up like his father. "Well one thing is for sure, your not any better than him if you continue to run away from your problems -"

"YOU'RE not my MOTHER! In fact you're no one! You have no right to tell me what to do or compare me to him. You don't know him like I do -"

"I know Richard," Jane cut the boy off, grabbing her suitcase. She didn't turn to look at the boy even once. He was right. She wasn't his mother but from the moment she met him...She had never seen him as anything less than her son. It was a role she thought she played in the boy's life but maybe she didn't. Maybe she was only a person he knew. Someone who provides common grounds for the Bat and his Robin. She wiped her tears as she neared the living room. Not that there was any point. Robin wasn't very quiet with his outburst.

The titans heard the last bit of the conversation but knew better than to bring it up so they simply said their heartfelt goodbyes, hoping she would visit soon but knew better. Robin never came out of his room that night.

Robin regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. He saw her as his mother but he was so angry that he didn't even think how those words would hurt her or their relationship. He should have apologized but his ego and fake pride stopped him. Maybe even guilt. Once he thought of her words he knew he was wrong. She was clearly not siding with anyone. Only trying to remind him of all the people he was hurting. He didn't have the courage to look at her. All he could do was cry in his room as he looked at all their pictures and her phone number.

Time Skip to the Manor:

"I'm back Alfred," Jane greeted as she walked in through the doors of Wayne Manor. The manor was oddly more lively than when she left. Perhaps Alfred had a guest? Jane waited for Alfred's response but nothing came. Exhausted from both her physical and emotional journey, she headed to her room.

"Apologies Ms. Jane but there is someone you should meet," he stepped out of the shadows. Jane tried to see the small figure hiding behind him. The figure too peeked from behind Alfred. Jane wasn't sure how to approach the small child.

"And who may that little sunshine be?" She gave her motherly smile. Jason immediately recognized both the voice and smile. He ran from behind Alfred into Jane's arms. She too hugged the boy she thought she would never see again.


"It seems we were worried for nothing," Bruce laughed, joining in the hug.

"Are you coming Alfie?" Jason stared at the man he came to see as his grandfather. Alfred wiped his tears as he joined the family hug. Just maybe his family could be saved. Maybe Jason was the light they needed.

While one heart shattered another one blossomed.

As one boy cried, the other laughed.

Soon the Manor was back to its lively self yet it always felt as if a part was missing. Maybe one day that part would return? 


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