Joker 3!

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Batman was beyond angry. He jumped out of the batmobile, running to the main tent. On the way, he fought - more like punched out most of Joker's thugs. He was in no mood to play. Most of them would not be able to use either their arms or legs in the future. Batman cautiously stepped into the tent, awaiting for an attack that never came. He silently made his way to the small whimpers coming from the corner of the tent. He prepared himself for the worst yet when he saw the two, his heart shattered into million pieces. He would make sure Joker paid for this! He gently tried to remove Jane from Robin but Robin only held her tighter.

"Robin, I'm here now. I won't let anyone hurt you but Jane needs medical attention," he reasoned with his ward. Robin reluctantly let go of Jane as Batman picked her up.

"Dick, I need you to be strong, for Jane," he softly whispered to his ward. Robin nodded before hiding in Batman's cowl. That always made him feel safe.


After dropping Jane and Dick at the cave, Batman searched high and low for the Crown Prince of Gotham. Tonight, the criminals hid in fear of the Bat's fury. He soon found the Joker. He didn't play the clown's games. For the first time, he beat the clown close to death. He would have killed him if it weren't for Gordon. Had Gordon been a second late, a certain Bat would have had his hands covered in blood. Joker would not be making any comebacks for a very long time. Most assumed Batman's fury was for his little bird. They were only half right.

Back to the cave:

"I couldn't protect her. It's all my fault!" Dick hugged his knees as he watched Jane's heart rate monitor.

"Dick," Bruce hugged the boy. "You did everything you could. None of this is your fault. Okay?"


Bruce picked up the little boy, taking him to Jane's side. "Richard, Jane wouldn't want you to blame yourself. Would she?"


"Then don't. She would hate herself if you did and she's going to be alright," he smiled at his ward. He tried to believe his words just as much as Dick.

"Master Dick, I do believe it is time for you to go to bed," Alfred interrupted the two.

"The med bed has space for one more. Why don't you stay with Jane?" Bruce suggested. Dick for the first time tonight, smiled as he cartwheeled to get ready for bed.

"Well done Master Bruce," Alfred smiled before heading upstairs. Bruce stared a few more minutes at Jane's weak figure before heading off to bed. He could use some sleep, that was if sleep came.


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