🍃Time will tell 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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"What are you doing Master Jason?" Alfred appeared out of the shadows causing the boy to jump up in the air.

"Nothing ..... I'm just bored. This place is great but......" The boy looked at his feet in embarrassment.

"Yes it can be 'boring' but I'm sure running out of the manor is not the best pass time. Have you tried the library?" The butler raised an eyebrow. The young boy's eyes lit up in excitement. He jumped up and down as he followed the man to the said library. He was amazed by its size. The two read for a few hours until Jason finally broke the comfortable silence.

"So is it just you two? Doesn't it get lonely?" the boy awaited an answer. Alfred sighed, closing his book.

"Master Dick....had a way to make the manor more lively. The Miss should be back in a few days. I'm sure you two will get along. Now, I must go prepare lunch," he left the boy alone. Jason wasn't sure about this 'Miss'. The ladies he had met, excluding one, had not been very kind and accepting. And who was Dick? Well, his adopted brother but where was he? Did that 'Miss' kick him out? Did she have Bruce wrapped around her fingers? He had a lot of unanswered questions and he could do nothing but wait. Maybe he should call Jane. He did want to see her again.


Back to Titian Tower:

"This is amazinggggg!" Beast Boy smiled as he ate homemade pizza.

"Miss Robin's mom makes great food," Starfire added. Robin was both proud of his mother but also jealous of the attention she gave them. Yah. He was acting like a child but she was here to spend time with him not them.

"Yah she does. Anyways, we are going to explore Jump city," Robin informed his team. If it was just Jane and him, they could both take their masks off and enjoy the city. Jane silently happily ate her pizza. Robin only hoped she wouldn't invite them.

Ring Ring Ring

The teen Titans saw the caller I.D: Home. They were more than confused as they watched their leader frown and clench his fists.

"I'm sorry Robin, I have to take this," Jane informed the boy.

"Then take it on speaker!" Robin trusted Jane but he had to make sure. He had to make sure she wasn't informing Bruce of his every move. She sighed but nodded as she put the phone on speaker.

"Hello.....Jane," Robin and Jane were confused by the small voice but for different reasons.

"Jay, how are you?" Jane happily greeted the boy. Robin only frowned, while the team silently watched.

"I'm good. I have something to tell you........do you think we can meet up?" The boy seemed unsure of himself and afraid of Jane's answer. Robin's frown softened. He was sure the boy was younger than him and clearly needed someone to love him.

"Of course Jay. I'll meet you in three days. I'm in Jump city right now," Jane answered in her motherly voice. The line was silent for a few moments. They thought the boy had left yet Jane was sure he was there. She patiently waited for his answer.

"What are you doing in Jump City? I thought you lived and worked in Gotham?" The boy questioned. Robin was surprised by the boy's question. The kid was clearly smart and paid close attention to details.

"I'm visiting my son. I'm sure you two would get along," Robin was surprised by her honest answer. Was this boy so important to Jane that she told him the truth?

"Okay bye!" The boy ended the call.

"Who was that?" Robin was more than interested. Jane thought the boy and him could be friends.

"That was Jay. I met him a couple of days ago. He's a really sweet boy. I'm sure you two will get along," Robin wasn't sure but he decided not to push it. Why was the boy calling from the manor? Did Jane adopt him? No, it seems not. Why was he at the manor? Robin had a lot of unanswered questions. Only time would tell.


Back at the manor:

"How was your friend?" Alfred asked the disappointed boy. The boy was so happy when he went to call his friend.

"She's visiting her 'son' ," he whispered. Alfred sat next to the boy in silence. He knew the boy would open up on his own. "I didn't know she had a son."

"And?" Alfred waited for the boy to continue.

"My mom was never there but the lady, she showed me motherly love. I guess I feel jealous that the boy gets to have someone like her as his mother while I get no one," the boy tried to hold his tears back. "No one to love me."

"That's not true. Not anymore. You now have me, Master Bruce, Richard, he may not be here but I know he'll love his little brother and Miss -"

"You only say that. Only time will tell," the boy whipped his tears as he headed to his room. Alfred sighed. The boy had a long way to go just like this little family.

"Only time will tell."👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Anyways, Be safe and enjoy!


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