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"Who's Mera?" Arthur choked on air. Jane patted his back as he took in one deep breath. "You don't have to tell me." The two continued to walk on the beach, hand in hand.

"My ex." Arthur was over Mera and trusted Jane. "A red head who is now a good friend." For a while they kept silent, and continued to walk in comfort.

"Bruce wants to talk about our relationship," Arthur held her tighter. A few weeks ago, he would have not felt so insecure but he was not in love with her back then. They were more than friends. Dating yes but not lovers then. It was different now. At least for him.

"I don't like the sound of it," he was not going to lie. How could he be fine with letting his girlfriend discuss her relationship with a man he knew was interested in her? Not to mention that man was Bruce Wayne, Batman.

"Bruce and I can't continue to always fight. We need this," Arthur did not reply. He knew they needed to talk.

"Let me come-"

"No," Jane stepped in front of him, placing her hand on his face. "Trust me Arthur. We have come a long way from you just being my sun." He placed a gentle kiss on her lips, not trusting his mouth. She was right but he was still insecure.

"Only if you promise to take a one week vacation with me. No Mayor business."



"I'm betting my money on fish man," Jason placed a $100 on the table.

Tim shrugged, placing his own $100. "I'm with Jason."

Dick looked at the screen, then back at the table. With a sigh, he placed down his $100. "I'm placing my money on B."

Damian looked at his older brother in confusion. Taking out $100, adding it to the collection. "Curry. It's obvious she will choose him. All odds are against father."

"You guys did not know them when they first met. They brought out the worst and best in each other. Well, mostly the worst but they had a spark. I'm sure it's still there."

"Golden boy's optimistic as always."

"You wanted them together just as much as I did Jay," Dick reminded.

"I was young but we're adults now." Jason walked out before Dick could take him down memory lane. The other three returned to their tasks, leaving the money on the table. Alfred pulled out his own $100, adding it to the collection. 


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