Misdirected anger

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Thank you all for reading and Enjoy! 

It was another dark day in Gotham. The wind howled, as the sky cried and the sun refused to make an appearance. It would rather be in Metropolis.

"Your hard work is showing Miss Jane," Alfred poured Jane another cup of coffee as she slowly but steadily used a spoon with her left hand. Improvement. She smiled like a three year old getting candy from her parents. Alfred grabbed a plate of pancakes himself, joining her. It was an unusually quiet morning at Wayne Manor.

"Morning Alfie, Morning mom," Dick staggered into the room, wincing in pain as he sat down. He had large black circles under his eyes, not to mention large and deep cuts ruining down his arms but one did not need to be a detective to know the cuts were not only on his arms. Jane dropped her spoon, looking between Alfred and Dick.

"Richard What happened?"

"Just a little cat fight," he grabbed a plate for himself.

"Do not indulge yourself in lies Grayson." Jane dropped her spoon once more. Alfred sighed before getting up to serve the family.

"Don't forget who won lil D," Dick pointed his fork at a boy around ten. He was tanner than Bruce and had emerald eyes like Jason but the resemblance was uncanny.

"I demand a rematch and do not call me absurd nicknames!"

"Good morning boys, Jane, Alfred. I see we are all getting along." Bruce took his seat, grabbing the newspaper. He ignored the boys and continued his day as usual. 'Lil D' took a seat beside Dick. Jane cleared her throat receiving a glare from 'Lil D'.

"This is 'Lil D' -"

"I am not 'lil D'! My name is Damian Al Gul Wayne, the blood son. You must be-"

"Jane LaRoss, welcome to the fam-"

"I do not need a welcome from one of my father's many whores. Especially a useless one as yourself," he pointed at her arm.

"Like father, like son. Such a nasty tongue you got there, we wouldn't want it to be cut off?" Dick stared at his mother in shock, Bruce dropped the newspaper and Damian was red in anger. She threatened a child? That was out of character.

"How dare you! I demand-"

"So the baby can demand? Awww how cute," she laughed with sarcasm. "I'll love to indulge in your petty games 'Mr. Blood' son but this useless woman - whore has many useless tasks to complete." They all heard the front door shut. No one said a word.

"I'm gonna go talk to mom," Dick rushed after her. He wasn't too surprised to find her crouched on the sidewalk, having a mental breakdown in the rain.

"Oh my gosh! I fought with a child!" Dick sat next to her. He wished he remembered to grab an umbrella.

"Just calm down. Damian was rude -"

"He just looked so much like Bruce, and his words made me so angry. I can't believe I threatened a child!" He glared at the man approaching them with a knife. They were a sitting target for anyone who noticed Jane's gold necklace.

"Wait! Are you angry at Bruce!"


"Really? What do you feel like doing whenever you see him?" Dick hugged Jane closer as he helped her up. Gotham was not safe at any time of the day.

"Stab him with a knife ..........So I may have some unresolved issues with Bruce but he's not easy to communicate with." Dick looked back at the man still following them.

"Trust me. I know what you mean but you need to talk to him. You can't keep redirecting your anger at Damian. He's a really good kid when you get to know him." Dick liked to believe that. He guided Jane to a more busy street, keeping his eyes on the man.

"He gave you these," Jane touched one of his cuts. Her hands were as cold as ice. Ignoring the nasty looks they were getting, they continued walking.

"He makes it really hard but I know he's a good kid on the inside." The man continued to follow. Dick could fight him but they were in the public.

"He's got momma Dick protecting him already?" Dick smirked at that. He was not the only one Dick was set on protecting.

"I learned from the best."

"Alright mamma Dick. I'll try my hardest to get to know your little birdy."

"Why do you make it sound like he's my son? He doesn't even like me." Dick was trying to buy time. Keep Jane distracted and lose the man.

"Are you sure? Because I saw a little boy walk into a room full of strangers, pretending to be brave, and take a seat next to you. You who he trusts the most in the room. Richard, he may not know it himself but he is looking up to you."

"You really think so?" Dick stopped in his tracks. Did Damian trust him? Even more than Bruce? He could have sat next to Bruce.

"I know so." Dick snapped out of his terrace. He glanced around but the man was gone. He didn't know whether to be worried or relieved.

"Hi mom."

"Jay," Jane hugged him. Jason smirked at Dick, pointing to a dark alley


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