Batman is what???

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"Master Bruce, Miss Jane is awake. I do suggest you introduce your other half to her," Alfred walked away. Bruce had thought long and hard, he too came to the same conclusion. She already knew Dick was Robin, it was more than likely she knew who Batman was. Well, if anything, he was sure he was going to be hated two times more. With one deep sigh he knocked at her bedroom door.

"Come in" Bruce hesitantly stepped into the room. Jane was reading a book, 'Ghosts in Gotham' by mask1005 in bed. She didn't look up at him.

"I hope you are feeling better Jane," Bruce smiled. With the help of Alfred, she was already looking better. Not that she ever looked bad. Yah, he was glad he didn't say that out loud.

"Yah, I am. Thank you for letting me stay at the manor, although I don't recall how I got here," she genuinely smiled. Bruce loved how her eyes sparked when she genuinely smiled. Most of the time, he only received glares.

" Yes, ...I..Bat-"

"It must have been Batman. I guess he isn't all that bad. Oh and good job with Dick. I honestly didn't think you were good with words," she giggled. Bruce tried to join in but was too nervous to fake it.

"About that....I..."

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone who Robin is but aren't you putting too much trust in Batman?"

"W-What?" Too much trust? Bruce was more than confused, his nervousness long forgotten.

"You are trusting your son's life in the hands of Batman. I mean, yah he may be your boyfriend but isn't that much?" She raised an eyebrow. Bruce was too shocked by the sudden turn of events. He was sure Jane had figured him out but this was beyond him.

"My what?"

"Your boyfriend?" She repeated. "I mean you wouldn't trust your son with your one night stand or friend with benefits." Bruce was more than lost to how she came to such a conclusion.

"Do you not read Gotham times? More than half of Gotham knows!" She points out. Bruce had heard the rumours of Batman and him dating. He was even questioned about it in both his personas, but never had he thought Jane would believe them.

"Why are you so .... quiet? Was it something I said?" Jane panicked.

"No Miss Jane. Master Bruce merely had a long day," Alfred answered for Bruce. Bruce had gotten used to Alfred's surprise appearances, Jane on the other hand jumped out of bed.

"Yes, um.. I'll see you later," Bruce ran out the door. He didn't know how to correct her misunderstanding. He could tell her he was Batman but would that work? She believed the rumor like it was fact! To her Bruce and Batman were two different people.

"Perhaps it's best to not correct Miss Jane," Alfred whispered out of nowhere. Bruce almost jumped. Almost. Bruce only grunted before walking away.


Dick ran into Jane's arms, hugging her tightly. Jane gently ran her hand through the boy's hair.

"I'm alright Richard," she told the crying boy.

"I should have done better. I'm Robin but-"

"Look at me Dick. You did your best and I can't be more proud. Robin did his best. Promise me you won't blame yourself," she held out her pinky finger. Dick laughed at her childish antics but placed his pinky in her's.

"Promise," he wiped the last of his tears. "So movie night?" Maybe this turned out for the best. Jane would be staying at the manor for the time being. The safest place in Gotham. Maybe Bruce and him could convince her to stay forever.


Alfred saw the whole scene, taking a few pictures while he was at it. He even got some from Bruce's little episode of shock. They were all going in his family album.


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