"The moon or the sun?"

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"You'll love it. Trust me," Arthur guided a blindfolded Jane up the stairs of his father's lighthouse.

"God damn it Arthur! Just carry me up the stairs," her fingers dug into his arm as his hands wrapped around her waist. "I'm tired of injuring my feet." He let out a soft chuckle, resulting in an elbow to his stomach.

"Hold on," he picked her up bridal style with ease. Her right arm was still in a cast. "You're light as a feather -" Jane placed a finger on his lips stopping his words.

"Mr. King of the sea, have you considered your own strength?" Arthur kissed her finger, moving it away.

"Perhaps not, however you are light as -"

"Arthur shut up. Alfred doesn't let me hear the end of it. That sneaky old man." Arthur grinned at her scowl. It was Alfred who called him and suggested a day away from Gotham. A cold shiver ran down Arthur's spine as he remembered the old man's glare. At least now he knew where Batman learned his Bat-glare.

Arthur gently placed Jane on the ground. She stepped closer as the cold breeze passed them. "If I get a cold, I'm sending Nightwing after you."

"Your threats have been growing," Arthur wrapped a blanket around her before taking off her blind folds. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the lighting. Her eyes widened as she took in the beautiful sun set. The sky was a mixed shade of pink, orange and purple. Birds chirped as the sun disappeared. It was not her first time watching a sunset but no matter how many times she watched it, it was just as amazing. Watching the sunset brought a certain feeling of hope, freedom, relaxation, and love.

"Thank you Arthur." He wrapped his arms around her small form, watching the sun go down.

"You know the most beautiful thing about the sun?" She turned to face him, her eyes shining with curiosity. Arthur closed the distance between them, not breaking eye contact for a second. "It goes down at dusk but always rises at dawn. An unbroken promise." He closed the gap between their lips. His salty lips against her chocolate flavored ones. Her hand ruffles his hair as he pulled her closer.

"I think I'm in love with you," Arthur whispered, kissing her forehead.

"What if you're thinking wrong? Feelings are hard to understand Arthur but easy to misinterpret." She didn't meet his eyes, looking at the fading sun. "It is a promise but what about when it gets dark? The moon appears, not the sun." His heart dropped as he forced his voice.

"Are you implying -"

"Which are you; The moon or the sun?" She pointed to the half moon in the distance.

"I'm whatever you need me to be."

"No," she placed a peck on his lips before stepping away from him. "You are the sun. A light everyone wants, not the moon that silently watches over."

"What are you implying?" He was afraid of the words that would leave her lips. They searched each other's eyes for answers before she placed her head on his chest.

"I'm implying everything and nothing." He was a coward but he didn't want to let go of his sun. A promise was all he needed. All she needed. They had each other. They understood something that no one could.


"I thought they were going to break up!" Tim slammed his coffee cup on the table.

"Stop crying Grayson," Damian hit Dick with his staff. "You're pathetic." The batmobile roared into the cave. Batman looked between his sons then at the screen. With a click of his finger, he closed the footage.

"Extra training for spying on Jane and disregarding her personal space," he huffed, heading to the changing rooms.

"She's not wrong. The sun promises to come back. It's better than an unpredictable brooding bat," Steph added, stuffing her mouth with a spoon of strawberry ice cream. 


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