'Down with BATMAN!'

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"Today we gather here, at the center of Gotham to demand Justice. For our future! Gotham. To the world a city of crime, corruption and Batman. Is that what we want to be known for?"


" Is that something to be proud of?"


"Yes, we may be the city of Darkness but we also have light. Don't we?"


"Do we want the light brought by fear? By BATMAN?"


"That's what I thought. We want to be the change. We want to bring hope and life not fear and pain. Will we live in fear?"


"So what do we say?"




"Lucius, Please close the window and turn up the music." Lucius let out a small chuckle before closing the window and taking a seat in front of a table overflowing with papers. Using his WE smart watch, he clanked up the music, not that it did any good.

"You sure have a lot of fans Mr. Wayne," Bruce groaned in response as he took three pills of Advil. Running circles into his temples, he glanced at the man he respected but wanted nothing more than to kick out. He was not in the mood to be teased.

"I think we need to improve our sound system. Renovate the building to be sound proof. How fast -"

"Or maybe you could at the very least convince Ms. LaRoss to not protest next to WE tower, if not entirely stop the protests. I must say, she has some very convincing arguments," Lucius handed Bruce a black file. With a raised eyebrow, he slowly opened it.

"New law on Vigilantism! "

Gotham high court passes Bill V-54; There shall be no hunting of Vigilantes below fifteen. Older than fifteen may be arrested and charged for obstruction of Justice.

"Congress man agrees with the 'Down with BATMAN' movement."

Congress man agrees that having Batman in Gotham is just as dangerous as having the Joker here. With that, he also promises to continue to pressure the government into exiling the Clown from Gotham.

"Jane LaRoss for Mayor?"

Gotham has a new voice called Jane. More than half of Gotham supports the #JaneforMAYOR movement. Even those who do not agree with 'Down with BATMAN' admit she has a lot of good to offer and perhaps if she was Mayor, we wouldn't need Batman.

"Criminals surrenders than to be arrested by Batman"

More than 50 criminals have willfully and peacefully surrendered saying they rather give themselves up than give Batman the satisfaction of capturing them. "Down With BATMAN" resonates through crime alley.

Bruce closed the file, already feeling another headache. Jane was making his job so much harder. For the last month he has been fighting less criminals and facing more crazy citizens demanding answers. Some even refused to be saved by him.

Who in their right mind, would rather get robbed than be helped by Batman?

As for the criminals, they just hand themselves over to the police. That one was not bad but disrespectful.




"I'll let you be," Lucius excused himself as Bruce answered his call.





"For the love of God, Keep your girl in your city. Today I had a group of pre-teens throw food at me while I was trying to save them from a bullet happy psycho because I was friends with you. Oh, how did they word it? Yah; "Down with BATMAN! Down with spreaders of fear and darkness. We want light!"

"Why don't you have a talk with her? I'm sure she'll be happy to comply."

Oliver uttered many incoherent phrases before cutting the phone.

As for Bruce, he took in one deep breath. He deserved this. He would handle this like a mature person he is and not at all like a child. He was not going to go to her office and throw a tantrum. He was absolutely not going to use Dick and Tim to stop her.




Screw what he said. He was absolutely going to be the man-child he was!


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