I'm your brother...

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"Jay, stay in the hotel room please. I'll be two floors away," Jane begged the boy as she gathered all her files. Bruce was on JL business and Alfred was visiting family, leaving Jane and Jason. She had an hour-long meeting. How much trouble could he get in an hour? Hopefully not a lot.

"Yes Ma'am," he saluted. To Jason this was Jane babying him. Last time he was left alone, he managed to start a fire, make Vickie Vale cry, Gotham's bourgeoisie beg for Bruce to never bring him to another gala, almost start an international war, send the police on a wild goose chase and make it a law for everyone to be part of a book club. The boy was trouble that always kept the family on its toes.

"I will only be gone for an hour. Remember This is Jump City not Gotham." Jane could only hope that would slow the boy down if not stop him. It was only an hour. An hour. At least that's what she kept telling herself. She kissed the boy's forehead in a reluctant goodbye before closing the door.

Back to the trouble maker:

Jason browsed through Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube, and the Cable Channels, finding nothing but boredom. He could call room service for some ice cream or he could go explore Jump City. He knew he shouldn't but he was a rebel. Besides, he wouldn't go too far. Just around the hotel. With a wild grin he pulled on his red hoodie and runners. It didn't take him long to escape the hotel into the sunny day. His smile widened as he took in the sunlight. Gotham only had darkness and rain. A change in weather felt nice.

He walked around the city for a bit until he reached a pizza shop. He was glad he left his pocket money in his hoodie.

"Watch out Kid!" An arm pulled him aside just in time to miss being crushed by debris. "You okay kid?" Jason rubbed his eyes to get rid of the dirt as he looked at the yellow 'R' on his savior's chest.

"Robin?" he coughed. The masked vigilante gave him a smug grin before running into the action. Jason watched the young heroes, more specifically Robin fight the giant Robot. He cheered Robin on from the sidelines. Bruce had been teaching him to fight but he was nowhere near as good as Robin. Jason idolized Robin from the moment he started out in Gotham. He was his hero. Soon the fight ended and the young heroes began to check on the civilians and help the first responders. Robin gave him a small wave as he walked towards him. Jason could barely stop himself from jumping. He didn't know which was more exciting: meeting his idol or his new brother.

"Hey buddy, how you holding out?" Robin ruffled his hair. Jason barely contained a squeal.

"I can't believe I'm finally meeting you!"

"I'm gonna take that as a yes. Where are your parents?" Robin scanned the civilians for anyone who the boy could possibly have been out with.

"I'm gonna work hard to be just like you, even if I can't be as good as you. I have so many moves I wanna show you. "

"Slow down there. You can show me all that after we find your guardians," Robin ruffled the boy's hair as he held his hand.

"Oh shit! I totally forgot about Jane!" Robin stopped in his tracks, pulling the boy out of everyone's ear shot.

"What was that about Jane?"

"She's gonna be so mad. I have to get back. She's going to ground me for life-" Robin gently shook the boy's shoulders.

"Who are you and how do you know Jane?"

"My mom....I mean our mom. I'm your brother, Jason Todd Wayne but we never met until now." The two stared at each other for what felt like eternity until Robin pulled out a mask just like his. Making sure there were no cameras or people watching, he placed the mask on Jason's face. Jason hugged the boy with joy, and Robin gently patted the boy's head.

"Remember not to call civilian names. I'll message Jane to let her know you're with me," Robin held the boy's hand as he led them to his team. The team looked between the two in confusion. "Team meet......"

"Hi. I'm Robin's brother," the team gave the boy a small wave, not sure what to say. The boy seemed excited while Robin looked unsure.

"My brother....." Robin trailed off.


Will they continue as nicely as they started or will they fight?

Bruce: Give me a break

Jane: You've been on break for the last five or so parts!

Alfred: *sips his tea* 

Me: *Sips tea with Alfred*

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