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Thank you all for reading! Enjoy!

"Why is it, I can always find you at the beach?" Jane giggled as she wrapped her small arms around the blonde haired man. He gently moved her curly strands out of her eyes.

"You can always find me at the sea," She didn't suspect a thing. Maybe he loved the beach? Arthur led her to a nearby coffee shop, not letting go of her for a second. When she wasn't looking, he would make sure there was no bat lurking in the shadows. After all, he was in Gotham but how could he not be here?

"Earth to Arthur?" Jane snapped her fingers a few inches from his face.

"Sorry lo-"

"Are you afraid? Don't worry, it's Gotham. I won't judge," he chuckled at her naiveness. Gotham scare the king of the sea?

"I saw your campaign; 'Down with Batman'," Her lips curved downwards as she avoided his eyes. "Do....Do you not like superheroes?" He did not know what answer he wanted to hear. If she did then how could he deceive her? His feelings were real so how could he pretend to be something he was not?

"I....It's complicated," she gave him a fake smile hoping he would drop the subject. But how could he? This was life or death.

"Batman can be cold but he does help make the world a better place alongside the Justice League -"

"I don't hate them Arthur. I ....I lost a boy I loved like my own. It wasn't his fault but at the same time, it was his fault. The man who.....who took him away from us, he wanted to hurt HIM. Just maybe if there was no Batman, then we wouldn't have these crazies' in Gotham." She lifted her arms hiding her face. Arthur carefully pulled them away, his heart dropped seeing her tear filled eyes. It was like the night they met. Was she crying for the same boy then? Did Batman fail her? He could not push it any further.

"Maybe you're right," he enclosed her in a layer of warmth. They stayed in the position for what felt like hours.

"Enough about him. Let's talk about us; you and I," she smiled. With her hand in his, she led them to one of her favorite café in Gotham. Ordering a hot chocolate for herself and a french vanilla for him, they continued their walk. He had one of his arms around her waist, keeping her close. It was perfect. It was what they both dreamed of.

"You're not from Gotham." It was a statement not a question but he understood.

"I'm from Amnesty Bay. My father was a lighthouse keeper. For most of my life, I didn't know of my mother and when I did, it was too late. I'm sure someone as beautiful and bright as you, is not from Gotham." He looked down to see her devilish smile.

"The greatest light can be found in the darkest places -"

"I'm sure," he cut her off. She pouted but smiled.

"I'm from London. My family is rich but I always felt like I didn't belong. I was always in my older brother's shadow so I ran away."

"To Gotham?" Of all the places she ran away to Gotham. He was glad she did or else they may have never met but of all the places she chose the darkest.

"They have no connections in Gotham." He understood. Running away from a family legacy. From being something that others want you to be. "But I'm glad it was Gotham because -"

"We met here," they both said in union. They glanced into each other's eyes, getting lost in the emotion they held for each other. Before they knew it, their lips touched. It was like getting lost in the depth of the sea.

"Get a room!" A group of teenagers walked between them. Arthur opened his mouth to word his dismay but stopped when he saw Jane laughing wholeheartedly. How dare the kids disrespect him but if it made Jane happy, he could take it.

"I did not know getting insulted was so funny," he teased her. She wiped her tears of joy before looking at him.

"You should have seen your face! I can't wait to introduce you to the boys!" She leaned on to him as she went into another fit of laughter. He didn't know who the boys were but her eyes held so much love for them, he knew they meant a lot.

"Can't wait to meet them," though he felt there was something ominous about these boys.

But anything for Jane. 


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Sorry for the late update (but I still kept to schedule). Had a busy week but still updated on the three days so achievement! 

Best wishes! 

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