Wonder woman

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"More moody than usual?" Diana attempted to have a conversation but only received a 'hmp' in reply. Barry made hand gestures for her to leave the brooding bat alone. Superman pretended to be distracted but his ears told another story. Aquaman did not say a word.

"We are a team. You two can not continue to ignore each other," Diana was losing her patience. They almost failed their mission because of the two. Batman was never one to put his emotions before the mission, making Diana concerned.

"Tell him that," Aquaman left the room. Diana gestured for the rest to follow him, leaving Batman and her alone.

"I could use the lasso of truth but I will not. If this is about Jane, then discuss it with her. She is not an object Arthur or you can fight over. She's a living being with her own free will." She had met Jane a few times and knew she was one to make her own decisions.

"I don't need your advice."

"You don't but it will get you an answer," she walked out the room. She made her way to Arthur, taking a seat in front of him.

"Do you love her?" Arthur stared at his cup of water. "I could always use the lasso."

"I love her but I'm afraid of Batman."

"She does not love you?"

"She loves me but she also loves her sons - Batman's sons." Diana understood his fear.

"Perhaps you should discuss this with her." Diana was not always the most experienced in relationships but she had seen enough break to know communicating was key.

Arthur made his way to Jane's office as Diana's words replayed in his head. He had to talk to her. The staff led him to her, recognizing him. He knocked on the door, stepping in after receiving a come in. Jane sat in front of her computer, lost in her work. Arthur cleared his throat, receiving her attention. He saw her lips turn upwards as she gave him a hug.

"What a lovely surprise," she made them coffee.

"I hope I'm not disturbing," he knew he wasn't but he was making small talk.

"You seem tense so let's skip the small talk," she always knew how to read him. He took in one deep breath before beginning.

"I know this is going to sound petty but I need to know. Would you leave me for your sons?" She did not seem surprised by the question.

"I was wondering when you were gonna ask" she shook her head.

"You knew?"

"You have been tense all week. Arthur, I'm not going to leave you for the boys. They are mature and we are adults. This is not a drama. I love them but I also love you too. They're even warming up to you," she took a sip of her coffee as Arthur replayed her words in his head. He was doubtful about the last part but he believed her. He had to trust her like she trusted him.

"If you're done worrying, let's take baby claws for a walk," Jane picked up her puppy. Arthur was beginning to feel jealous of how much attention Jane gave to the puppy. Troublesome animal. It was too bad he could only talk to water creatures or else he would have given him a piece of his mind.


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